优化 contentProvider 查询以检索联系人姓名和电话
ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver();
Cursor people = contentResolver.query(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);
int nameIndex = people.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME);
int idIndex = people.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID);
int hasPhoneNumberIndex = people.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER);
String name, id;
int hasPhoneNumber;
name = people.getString(nameIndex);
id = people.getString(idIndex);
hasPhoneNumber = people.getInt(hasPhoneNumberIndex);
if(hasPhoneNumber > 0){
Cursor phones = contentResolver.query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID +" = "+id, null, null);
int phoneIndex = phones.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER);
String phone = phones.getString(phoneIndex);
HashMap<String, String> namePhoneType = new HashMap<String, String>();
namePhoneType.put("Name", name);
namePhoneType.put("Phone", phone);
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在我看来,所提到的性能问题源于所提出的实现中固有的“n+1 选择”问题。
查询 1:通过 ContactId 将所有联系人获取为地图
查询 2:获取所有电话号码并将它们存储在列表中
然后您可以迭代电话号码列表,通过 ContactId 从地图中查找联系人并将电话号码关联起来与联系。
1000 个联系人的执行速度从 60 秒降至 4 秒。通常情况下,需要在内存消耗和对 GC 的影响之间进行权衡。
发布时的观察:将 ids 作为 int 获取并使用 SparseArray 可能是一种值得考虑的方法。然而,与此处解决的“n+1 选择”问题相比,预计影响很小。
It seems to me that the noted performance issue stems from the inherent "n+1 select" problem in the implementations proposed.
A faster approach, if you truly need all this data, is to perform two queries from contacts and phone numbers returning the appropriate surrogate and primary keys and then performing the join in memory.
Query 1: get all contacts as a Map by ContactId
Query 2: get all the phone numbers and store them in a list
You can then iterate through the list of phone numbers, looking up the contact from the map by ContactId and associate the phone numbers with the contact.
Execution speeds for 1000 contacts went from 60 seconds down to 4 seconds. As is often the case, there is a trade-off on memory consumption and impact to GC.
Observation while posting: getting the ids as an int and using SparseArray may be an approach worth considering. Minimal impact expected, however, compared to the "n+1 select" issue addressed here.
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