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一般的图形描述格式 DOT 对我来说似乎是最合适的:它很容易描述一个巨大的变化使用这种(文本)格式的图表,您可以使用多种可用工具之一来绘制它们(Graphviz< /a> 浮现在脑海中,因为 例子)。
您还可以使用专门的 python-graph 模块(它可以与也是 DOT 格式)。
The general graph description format DOT seems the most appropriate to me: it is easy to describe a huge variety of graphs, with this (text) format, and you can plot them with one of the many tools available (Graphviz comes to mind, for example).
You also have the specialized python-graph module at your disposal (which can work with the DOT format too).
使用 python,您有很多选择,请参阅此处了解更多信息。我会推荐 matplotlib,
With python you have many options, see here for more. I would recommend matplotlib,
take a look at this example.