C++带有类对象的向量 Push_back

发布于 2024-12-06 02:42:44 字数 10667 浏览 1 评论 0原文


我需要将多个对象推回到一个向量中,但 VS 抛出一个错误(这可能是由于堆损坏,这表明 PVSS00DataGate.exe 或其已加载的任何 DLL 中存在错误),我似乎无法解决该错误为了我自己。


class HWObject{}

void DataLogger::WriteNewMessages()
  unsigned int iBattery = 0;
  unsigned int iSignal  = 0;
  TimeVar tTimeStamp;

  // I want to store all HWObjects in a temporary vector (loggerData)
  std::vector<HWObject> loggerData;

  CharString strElement;
  strElement.format( "batteryCondition.value" );
  SendOneValuePVSS( (const char *)strElement, iBattery,  tTimeStamp );

  strElement.format( "signalStrength.value" );
  SendOneValuePVSS( (const char *)strElement, iSignal,   tTimeStamp );

void DataLogger::SendOneValuePVSS(const char *szElementName, double dValue, TimeVar, &tValue)
  HWObject obj;
  obj.setOrgTime(tValue); // Current time

  CharString address;
  address = strID;
  address += ".";
  address += szElementName;


  loggerData.reserve( loggerData.size() + 1 );
  loggerData.push_back( obj );

dataLogger 是在

class DataLogger 
 std::vector<HWObject> loggerData;

HWObject 类中声明的,我不想用代码让您不知所措。

   /** Default constructor*/

/** Constructor, which sets the periphAddr and transformationType.
 * @param addressString address of the HW object
 * @param trans type of transformation 
HWObject(const char* addressString, TransformationType trans);

/**  Destructor. If the date pointer is not NULL, it is deleted.
virtual ~HWObject();

/** Creates a new HWObject
 * This function returns an empty HWObject, no properties are duplicated or copied!
 * @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual  HWObject * clone() const;

/** Reset all pvss2 relevant parts of the HWObject. when overloading this member
 * don't forget to call the basic function!
 * @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual void               clear();

/** Gets pointer to data
 * @return pointer to data
const PVSSchar *   getDataPtr() const                          { return dataPtr; }

/** Gets the data buffer pointer
 * @return data buffer pointer
PVSSchar *         getData()                                   { return dataPtr; }

/** Cut the data buffer out of the HWObject.
 * This function is used to avoid the deletion
 * of the data buffer, when a new pointer is set using
 * setData() or the HWObject is deleted.
 * @return pointer to the data of the HWObject
PVSSchar *         cutData();

/** Get the data buffer lenght
 * @return length of the data buffer
PVSSushort           getDlen() const                             { return dataLen; }

/** Set ptr to the data buffer, pointer is captured.
 * The actual data pointer in the HWObject is deleted,
 * if it is not NULL. To avoid the deletion use cutData()
 * in order to cut out the pointer.
 * @param ptr pointer to new data
void               setData(PVSSchar *ptr);

/** Set the data length
 * @param len length to be set
void               setDlen(const PVSSushort len)                 { dataLen = len; }

/** Get the periph address
 * @return periph address string
const CharString & getAddress() const                          { return address; }

/** Get the transformation type
 * @return type of transformation
TransformationType getType() const                             { return transType; }

/** Set the transformation type
 * @param typ type of transformation for setting
void               setType(const TransformationType typ)       { transType = typ; }

/** Get the subindex
 * @return subindex
PVSSushort           getSubindex() const                         { return subindex; }

/** Set the subindex
 * @param sx subindex to be set
void               setSubindex( const PVSSushort sx)             { subindex = sx; }

/** Get the origin time
  * @return origin time
const TimeVar&     getOrgTime() const                          { return originTime; }

/** Get the origin time
 * @return oriin time
TimeVar&           getOrgTime()                                { return originTime; }

/** Set the origin time
 * @param tm origin time to be set
void               setOrgTime(const TimeVar& tm)               { originTime = tm; }

/** Get HWObject purpose
 * @return objSrcType
ObjectSourceType   getObjSrcType() const                       { return objSrcType; }

/** Set HWObject purpose
 * @param tp objSrcType
void               setObjSrcType(const ObjectSourceType tp)    { objSrcType = tp; }

/** Get number of elements in data buffer
 * @return number of elements in data buffer
PVSSushort           getNumberOfElements() const                 { return number_of_elements; }

/** Set number of elements in data buffer
 * @param var number of elements in data buffer
void               setNumberOfElements(const PVSSushort var)     { number_of_elements = var; }

/** Prints the basic HWObject information on stderr.
 * in case of overloading don't forget to call the base function!
 * @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual void      debugPrint() const;

/** Prints th basic HWObject info in one CharString for internal debug DP.
  * in case of overloading call base function first, then append specific info 
  *  @classification public use, overload, call base 
virtual CharString getInfo() const;

/** Set the periph address
  * @param adrStr pointer to address string
virtual void       setAddress(const char *adrStr);

/** Set the additional data (flag, orig time, valid user byte,etc)
  * @param data aditional flags that be set
  * @param subix subindex, use subix 0 for setting values by default  
virtual void       setAdditionalData(const RecVar &data, PVSSushort subix);

/** Set the 'origin time comes from periph' flag 
void               setTimeOfPeriphFlag() 

/** Check whether time comes from periph
  * @return PVSS_TRUE if the time is from perip
PVSSboolean        isTimeFromPeriph() const   
 // If isTimeOfPeriph is set, it must be valid
 return getSbit(DRV_TIME_OF_PERIPH);

/** Set the flag if you want to receive callback if event has answered the value change   
void setWantAnswerFlag() 

/** Get the status of the 'want answer, flag
PVSSboolean        getWantAnswerFlag() const   
  // If isTimeOfPeriph is set, it must be valid
  return getSbit(DRV_WANT_ANSWER);

/** Set the user bit given by input parameter.
  * Status bits defined by the enum DriverBits
  * @param bitno bit number
  * @return PVSS_TRUE if bit was set
PVSSboolean        setSbit(PVSSushort bitno)       
   return (status.set(bitno) && status.set(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID));

/** Clear the user bit given by input parameter
  * @param bitno bit number
  * @return PVSS_TRUE if bit was cleared
PVSSboolean        clearSbit(PVSSushort bitno)     
  return (status.clear(bitno) && status.set(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID));

PVSSboolean        isValidSbit(PVSSushort bitno) const   
  return status.get(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID);

/** Check any bit
  * @param bitno bit number
  * @return status of the bit on bitno position
PVSSboolean        getSbit(PVSSushort bitno) const      {return status.get(bitno);}

/** Clear all status bits
  * return status of clear all
PVSSboolean        clearStatus() {return status.clearAll();}

/** Get the status of this object
  * @return bit vector status
const BitVec &     getStatus() const {return status;}

/** Set status of the bit vector
  * @param bv deference to bit vector to be set as status 
 void               setStatus(const BitVec &bv) {status = bv;}

/** Set a user byte in the status.
  * @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
  * @param val        value to set
  * @return PVSS_TRUE execution OK
  *         PVSS_FALSE in case of error
PVSSboolean setUserByte (PVSSushort userByteNo, PVSSuchar val);

/** Reads a user byte from the status.
  * @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
  * @return the requested user byte
PVSSuchar getUserByte (PVSSushort userByteNo) const;

/** Check validity of user byte.
  * @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
  * @return PVSS_TRUE user byte is valid
  *         PVSS_FALSE user byte is not valid
PVSSboolean isValidUserByte(PVSSushort userByteNo) const;

/** Format status bits into a string
  * @param str status bits converted to string 
void formatStatus (CharString & str) const ;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// internal ones

/** Read data from bin file
  * @param fp file handle 
virtual int         inFromBinFile( FILE *fp );

/** Write data to bin file
  * @param fp file handle 
virtual int       outToBinFile( FILE *fp );

/** Set data length
  * @param dlen  data length 
void setDlenLlc (PVSSushort dlen) {dataLenLlc = dlen;}

virtual void updateBufferLlc (HWObject * hwo, int offset1 = 0);

virtual int compareLlc (HWObject * hwo, int offset1 = 0, int offset2 = 0, int len = -1);

/** Get dataLenLlc
* @return dataLenLlc
PVSSushort getDlenLlc () const {return dataLenLlc;}

/** Function to delete the data buffer; overload if special deletion must be done
virtual void deleteData ();

/** Set HW identifier
  * @param id hw identifier to be set
void setHwoId(PVSSulong id) {hwoId = id;}

/** Get HW identifier
  * @return hw identifier
PVSSulong getHwoId() const {return hwoId;}

/// the dynamic data buffer
PVSSchar*          dataPtr;
/// the data buffer len
PVSSushort           dataLen;
/// the pvss2 periph address string
CharString         address;
/// the start subix for the data buffer
PVSSushort           subindex;
/// the datatype of the data in the buffer (i.e. transformationtype)
TransformationType transType;
/// the time of income, normally set by the constructor
TimeVar            originTime;
/// the purpose of this HWObject
ObjectSourceType   objSrcType;
/// the number of elements in the data buffer, used for arrays and records
PVSSushort           number_of_elements;        // fuer array!!!
/// the user bits of the original config
BitVec             status;

 PVSSushort dataLenLlc;
 PVSSulong hwoId;

I've been using this site for a while and so far never needed to ask a new question (found all answers I've needed until now).

I need to push_back multiple objects into a vector but VS throws an error (This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in PVSS00DataGate.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded) that I cannot seem to work out for myself.

Here is what I am trying to do, it works to push_back the first object into the vector but when I try to push_back a second object that is when the error occurs.

class HWObject{}

void DataLogger::WriteNewMessages()
  unsigned int iBattery = 0;
  unsigned int iSignal  = 0;
  TimeVar tTimeStamp;

  // I want to store all HWObjects in a temporary vector (loggerData)
  std::vector<HWObject> loggerData;

  CharString strElement;
  strElement.format( "batteryCondition.value" );
  SendOneValuePVSS( (const char *)strElement, iBattery,  tTimeStamp );

  strElement.format( "signalStrength.value" );
  SendOneValuePVSS( (const char *)strElement, iSignal,   tTimeStamp );

void DataLogger::SendOneValuePVSS(const char *szElementName, double dValue, TimeVar, &tValue)
  HWObject obj;
  obj.setOrgTime(tValue); // Current time

  CharString address;
  address = strID;
  address += ".";
  address += szElementName;


  loggerData.reserve( loggerData.size() + 1 );
  loggerData.push_back( obj );

dataLogger is declared in

class DataLogger 
 std::vector<HWObject> loggerData;

Here is the class HWObject, I didn't want to overwhelm you with code.

   /** Default constructor*/

/** Constructor, which sets the periphAddr and transformationType.
 * @param addressString address of the HW object
 * @param trans type of transformation 
HWObject(const char* addressString, TransformationType trans);

/**  Destructor. If the date pointer is not NULL, it is deleted.
virtual ~HWObject();

/** Creates a new HWObject
 * This function returns an empty HWObject, no properties are duplicated or copied!
 * @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual  HWObject * clone() const;

/** Reset all pvss2 relevant parts of the HWObject. when overloading this member
 * don't forget to call the basic function!
 * @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual void               clear();

/** Gets pointer to data
 * @return pointer to data
const PVSSchar *   getDataPtr() const                          { return dataPtr; }

/** Gets the data buffer pointer
 * @return data buffer pointer
PVSSchar *         getData()                                   { return dataPtr; }

/** Cut the data buffer out of the HWObject.
 * This function is used to avoid the deletion
 * of the data buffer, when a new pointer is set using
 * setData() or the HWObject is deleted.
 * @return pointer to the data of the HWObject
PVSSchar *         cutData();

/** Get the data buffer lenght
 * @return length of the data buffer
PVSSushort           getDlen() const                             { return dataLen; }

/** Set ptr to the data buffer, pointer is captured.
 * The actual data pointer in the HWObject is deleted,
 * if it is not NULL. To avoid the deletion use cutData()
 * in order to cut out the pointer.
 * @param ptr pointer to new data
void               setData(PVSSchar *ptr);

/** Set the data length
 * @param len length to be set
void               setDlen(const PVSSushort len)                 { dataLen = len; }

/** Get the periph address
 * @return periph address string
const CharString & getAddress() const                          { return address; }

/** Get the transformation type
 * @return type of transformation
TransformationType getType() const                             { return transType; }

/** Set the transformation type
 * @param typ type of transformation for setting
void               setType(const TransformationType typ)       { transType = typ; }

/** Get the subindex
 * @return subindex
PVSSushort           getSubindex() const                         { return subindex; }

/** Set the subindex
 * @param sx subindex to be set
void               setSubindex( const PVSSushort sx)             { subindex = sx; }

/** Get the origin time
  * @return origin time
const TimeVar&     getOrgTime() const                          { return originTime; }

/** Get the origin time
 * @return oriin time
TimeVar&           getOrgTime()                                { return originTime; }

/** Set the origin time
 * @param tm origin time to be set
void               setOrgTime(const TimeVar& tm)               { originTime = tm; }

/** Get HWObject purpose
 * @return objSrcType
ObjectSourceType   getObjSrcType() const                       { return objSrcType; }

/** Set HWObject purpose
 * @param tp objSrcType
void               setObjSrcType(const ObjectSourceType tp)    { objSrcType = tp; }

/** Get number of elements in data buffer
 * @return number of elements in data buffer
PVSSushort           getNumberOfElements() const                 { return number_of_elements; }

/** Set number of elements in data buffer
 * @param var number of elements in data buffer
void               setNumberOfElements(const PVSSushort var)     { number_of_elements = var; }

/** Prints the basic HWObject information on stderr.
 * in case of overloading don't forget to call the base function!
 * @classification public use, overload, call base
virtual void      debugPrint() const;

/** Prints th basic HWObject info in one CharString for internal debug DP.
  * in case of overloading call base function first, then append specific info 
  *  @classification public use, overload, call base 
virtual CharString getInfo() const;

/** Set the periph address
  * @param adrStr pointer to address string
virtual void       setAddress(const char *adrStr);

/** Set the additional data (flag, orig time, valid user byte,etc)
  * @param data aditional flags that be set
  * @param subix subindex, use subix 0 for setting values by default  
virtual void       setAdditionalData(const RecVar &data, PVSSushort subix);

/** Set the 'origin time comes from periph' flag 
void               setTimeOfPeriphFlag() 

/** Check whether time comes from periph
  * @return PVSS_TRUE if the time is from perip
PVSSboolean        isTimeFromPeriph() const   
 // If isTimeOfPeriph is set, it must be valid
 return getSbit(DRV_TIME_OF_PERIPH);

/** Set the flag if you want to receive callback if event has answered the value change   
void setWantAnswerFlag() 

/** Get the status of the 'want answer, flag
PVSSboolean        getWantAnswerFlag() const   
  // If isTimeOfPeriph is set, it must be valid
  return getSbit(DRV_WANT_ANSWER);

/** Set the user bit given by input parameter.
  * Status bits defined by the enum DriverBits
  * @param bitno bit number
  * @return PVSS_TRUE if bit was set
PVSSboolean        setSbit(PVSSushort bitno)       
   return (status.set(bitno) && status.set(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID));

/** Clear the user bit given by input parameter
  * @param bitno bit number
  * @return PVSS_TRUE if bit was cleared
PVSSboolean        clearSbit(PVSSushort bitno)     
  return (status.clear(bitno) && status.set(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID));

PVSSboolean        isValidSbit(PVSSushort bitno) const   
  return status.get(bitno + (PVSSushort)DRV_VALID_INVALID - (PVSSushort)DRV_INVALID);

/** Check any bit
  * @param bitno bit number
  * @return status of the bit on bitno position
PVSSboolean        getSbit(PVSSushort bitno) const      {return status.get(bitno);}

/** Clear all status bits
  * return status of clear all
PVSSboolean        clearStatus() {return status.clearAll();}

/** Get the status of this object
  * @return bit vector status
const BitVec &     getStatus() const {return status;}

/** Set status of the bit vector
  * @param bv deference to bit vector to be set as status 
 void               setStatus(const BitVec &bv) {status = bv;}

/** Set a user byte in the status.
  * @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
  * @param val        value to set
  * @return PVSS_TRUE execution OK
  *         PVSS_FALSE in case of error
PVSSboolean setUserByte (PVSSushort userByteNo, PVSSuchar val);

/** Reads a user byte from the status.
  * @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
  * @return the requested user byte
PVSSuchar getUserByte (PVSSushort userByteNo) const;

/** Check validity of user byte.
  * @param userByteNo number of user byte range 0..3
  * @return PVSS_TRUE user byte is valid
  *         PVSS_FALSE user byte is not valid
PVSSboolean isValidUserByte(PVSSushort userByteNo) const;

/** Format status bits into a string
  * @param str status bits converted to string 
void formatStatus (CharString & str) const ;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// internal ones

/** Read data from bin file
  * @param fp file handle 
virtual int         inFromBinFile( FILE *fp );

/** Write data to bin file
  * @param fp file handle 
virtual int       outToBinFile( FILE *fp );

/** Set data length
  * @param dlen  data length 
void setDlenLlc (PVSSushort dlen) {dataLenLlc = dlen;}

virtual void updateBufferLlc (HWObject * hwo, int offset1 = 0);

virtual int compareLlc (HWObject * hwo, int offset1 = 0, int offset2 = 0, int len = -1);

/** Get dataLenLlc
* @return dataLenLlc
PVSSushort getDlenLlc () const {return dataLenLlc;}

/** Function to delete the data buffer; overload if special deletion must be done
virtual void deleteData ();

/** Set HW identifier
  * @param id hw identifier to be set
void setHwoId(PVSSulong id) {hwoId = id;}

/** Get HW identifier
  * @return hw identifier
PVSSulong getHwoId() const {return hwoId;}

/// the dynamic data buffer
PVSSchar*          dataPtr;
/// the data buffer len
PVSSushort           dataLen;
/// the pvss2 periph address string
CharString         address;
/// the start subix for the data buffer
PVSSushort           subindex;
/// the datatype of the data in the buffer (i.e. transformationtype)
TransformationType transType;
/// the time of income, normally set by the constructor
TimeVar            originTime;
/// the purpose of this HWObject
ObjectSourceType   objSrcType;
/// the number of elements in the data buffer, used for arrays and records
PVSSushort           number_of_elements;        // fuer array!!!
/// the user bits of the original config
BitVec             status;

 PVSSushort dataLenLlc;
 PVSSulong hwoId;

如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。



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夏雨凉 2024-12-13 02:42:44

你没有展示重要的部分。我猜 HWObject
猜测。 (除非您使用引用计数等特殊技术

此外,在之前保留 size() + 1 是没有意义的

You're not showing the important parts. I'd guess that HWObject has
dynamically allocated memory, and doesn't implement the rule of three
(copy constructor, assignment operator and destructor). But it's only a
guess. (Unless you're using special techniques like reference counting
or smart pointers, copy must do a deep copy, and assignment should
probably use the swap idiom.)

Also, there's no point in reserving size() + 1 just before

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