RWCString 正在放弃核心

发布于 2024-12-06 01:39:26 字数 3355 浏览 1 评论 0原文

在我们的代码中,我们使用 RWCString 而不是 std::string。其中一项功能是删除核心,堆栈跟踪指向 RWCString。 该函数看起来像这样。

bool Eligible(const Message& message)
   Table* tmpTable = GetTableFromMessage<Table>(message, "TABLE"));  

    return  ( tmpTable != NULL && tmpTable->getNumRows() > 0 ) ?
              ( getString((*tmpTable)("xyz"))  == "xyz")                   :

((*tmpTable)("xyz") 返回 RWDBValue getString 返回 RWCString,不考虑内存这里泄漏。我们实际上将 Table* 包装在智能指针中。

下面是堆栈跟踪。我无法弄清楚为什么 RWCString 正在转储核心。

fcac642c _lwp_kill (ffbfb530, fcaf7ba8, 3b15c, 0, fcaee2f4, fcaf83f4) + 8
 fcab333c thr_panic (fcadc15c, 73, 3b088, fcab5788, ffbfb52f, a) + d8
 fcabbcec _ceil_prio_inherit (b8, fcaf53c4, 32658, fcabbc60, fcaee2f4, fe092a00) + 5c
 fcabddbc mutex_lock_internal (13359f8, 0, 1, 0, 0, ae) + 170
 00584db0 __1cL_RWSTDMutexHacquire6M_v_ (13359f8, 1, fcaf3700, 0, fe092a00, 13b2ce0) + 20
 00583e20 __1cL_RWSTDGuard2t5B6MrnL_RWSTDMutex__v_ (ffbfb8d0, 13359f8, fe07d85b, ffbfb6d8, 2, 0) + 20
 005846b8 __1cH__rwstdM__string_ref4CcnDstdLchar_traits4Cc__n0BJallocator4Cc___R__removeReference6M_l_ (13359f8, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0) + 28
 00581a4c __1cDstdMbasic_string4Ccn0ALchar_traits4Cc__n0AJallocator4Cc___I__unLink6M_v_ (ffbfbaf0, ffbfb958, ffbfb95b, 243604, 0, 0) + 54
 00580874 __1cDstdMbasic_string4Ccn0ALchar_traits4Cc__n0AJallocator4Cc___2T5B6M_v_ (ffbfbaf0, ffbfb9c8, ffbfb9f8, 0, fcaf5424, ffbfe278) + c
 **0057a3b4 __1cJRWCString2T5B6M_v_ (ffbfbaf0, 0, fcaf3700, 0, fe092a00, 0) + c**
 0056dbfc __1cMConfirmKEligible6FrnKFXOMessage__b_ (ffbfe8f0, 0, 216b8c, 8a5668, 8a5668, 8bc550) + 1b4
 00214da4 __1cPFXORTCConfirm_iOprocessMessage6MrknMFXOWLSModuleIFXOQdDData__h_ (99bc28, 9cdee0, fd171bc8, 400, 748, 2800) + 2414
 0020f63c __1cRPOA_FXORTCConfirmGinvoke6MpnFCORBANServerRequest__v_ (99bc28, 9cf3d8, 8e4e50, fcfb7a40, 7c770, 0) + 1bc
 fd124f2c __1cSObjectStateManagerGinvoke6MpnJTPContext__v_ (8e56c8, ffbfebf8, 8e2a08, 8da8f8, 800, 8da8f8) + 60
 fd12c338 __1cNObjectManagerGinvoke6MpnFCORBANServerRequest__v_ (8bf288, 9cf3d8, fd85d6cc, 70726f63, 80808080, 1) + 28
 fd867a4c __1cHPOAImplOProcessRequest6MpnRServerRequestImpl_rnJErrorInfo__v_ (fd171a54, 9cf3d8, ffbfee60, fd12c3f4, fd171a54, fd85f908) + 270
 fd85c65c __1cRObjectAdapterImplbBProcessRequestServerRequest6MpnRServerRequestImpl_rnJErrorInfo__v_ (8fe828, 9cf3d8, ffbfee60, 1, 70, 0) + b4
 fc61c95c __1cNTGIOPProtocolHRequest6MrnORequestMessage_rnHBinding_rnJErrorInfo__v_ (8e9ea8, 99a1a0, 9d3508, ffbfee60, ffffff2c, 0) + 10
 fc62525c __1cNTGIOPProtocolNCreateMessage6MpCLrirpcrlrnLGIOPMessageHMsgType_irnJErrorInfo__v_ (8e9ea8, ed5298, 1, 2, 1, aa9958) + 6c0
 fc61f218 __1cNTGIOPProtocolMTGIOPService6Mpvrirpcrl_v_ (8e9ea8, 8dbde4, ffbfef38, ffbfef3c, ffbfef34, fc61f124) + f4
 fcff0014 __1cRGIOPProtocolTowerMTGIOPService6Fpvrirpcrl_v_ (8dbde4, ffbfef38, ffbfef3c, ffbfef34, fd0db020, fd0e7c38) + b0
 0068caf8 CORBA_SVC (8dbde4, 8dbde4, 0, ed51d0, 2e, 0) + 38
 fcc54d04 _tmsvcdsp (0, 628, 0, 0, 62c, 0) + 1120
 fcc798c0 _tmrunserver (8d7a38, 1400, fcd6e618, fb44be3c, 8e2a08, 8da8f8) + 1598
 fcc537e4 _tmstartserver (13, ffbff644, 8a8a6c, 1d3c, 8d1238, 1) + 1b8
 0020b228 main     (13, ffbff644, ffbff694, 8a8000, fc9b6900, 0) + b0
 00146490 _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 108

In our code we use RWCString instead of std::string. One of the functions is dropping core and the stacktrace points to RWCString.
The function looks like this.

bool Eligible(const Message& message)
   Table* tmpTable = GetTableFromMessage<Table>(message, "TABLE"));  

    return  ( tmpTable != NULL && tmpTable->getNumRows() > 0 ) ?
              ( getString((*tmpTable)("xyz"))  == "xyz")                   :

((*tmpTable)("xyz") returns RWDBValue getString returns RWCString. Don't consider the memory leak here. We are actually wrapping the Table* in a smart pointer.

The stack trace is below. I am unable to figure out why RWCString is dumping core.

fcac642c _lwp_kill (ffbfb530, fcaf7ba8, 3b15c, 0, fcaee2f4, fcaf83f4) + 8
 fcab333c thr_panic (fcadc15c, 73, 3b088, fcab5788, ffbfb52f, a) + d8
 fcabbcec _ceil_prio_inherit (b8, fcaf53c4, 32658, fcabbc60, fcaee2f4, fe092a00) + 5c
 fcabddbc mutex_lock_internal (13359f8, 0, 1, 0, 0, ae) + 170
 00584db0 __1cL_RWSTDMutexHacquire6M_v_ (13359f8, 1, fcaf3700, 0, fe092a00, 13b2ce0) + 20
 00583e20 __1cL_RWSTDGuard2t5B6MrnL_RWSTDMutex__v_ (ffbfb8d0, 13359f8, fe07d85b, ffbfb6d8, 2, 0) + 20
 005846b8 __1cH__rwstdM__string_ref4CcnDstdLchar_traits4Cc__n0BJallocator4Cc___R__removeReference6M_l_ (13359f8, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0) + 28
 00581a4c __1cDstdMbasic_string4Ccn0ALchar_traits4Cc__n0AJallocator4Cc___I__unLink6M_v_ (ffbfbaf0, ffbfb958, ffbfb95b, 243604, 0, 0) + 54
 00580874 __1cDstdMbasic_string4Ccn0ALchar_traits4Cc__n0AJallocator4Cc___2T5B6M_v_ (ffbfbaf0, ffbfb9c8, ffbfb9f8, 0, fcaf5424, ffbfe278) + c
 **0057a3b4 __1cJRWCString2T5B6M_v_ (ffbfbaf0, 0, fcaf3700, 0, fe092a00, 0) + c**
 0056dbfc __1cMConfirmKEligible6FrnKFXOMessage__b_ (ffbfe8f0, 0, 216b8c, 8a5668, 8a5668, 8bc550) + 1b4
 00214da4 __1cPFXORTCConfirm_iOprocessMessage6MrknMFXOWLSModuleIFXOQdDData__h_ (99bc28, 9cdee0, fd171bc8, 400, 748, 2800) + 2414
 0020f63c __1cRPOA_FXORTCConfirmGinvoke6MpnFCORBANServerRequest__v_ (99bc28, 9cf3d8, 8e4e50, fcfb7a40, 7c770, 0) + 1bc
 fd124f2c __1cSObjectStateManagerGinvoke6MpnJTPContext__v_ (8e56c8, ffbfebf8, 8e2a08, 8da8f8, 800, 8da8f8) + 60
 fd12c338 __1cNObjectManagerGinvoke6MpnFCORBANServerRequest__v_ (8bf288, 9cf3d8, fd85d6cc, 70726f63, 80808080, 1) + 28
 fd867a4c __1cHPOAImplOProcessRequest6MpnRServerRequestImpl_rnJErrorInfo__v_ (fd171a54, 9cf3d8, ffbfee60, fd12c3f4, fd171a54, fd85f908) + 270
 fd85c65c __1cRObjectAdapterImplbBProcessRequestServerRequest6MpnRServerRequestImpl_rnJErrorInfo__v_ (8fe828, 9cf3d8, ffbfee60, 1, 70, 0) + b4
 fc61c95c __1cNTGIOPProtocolHRequest6MrnORequestMessage_rnHBinding_rnJErrorInfo__v_ (8e9ea8, 99a1a0, 9d3508, ffbfee60, ffffff2c, 0) + 10
 fc62525c __1cNTGIOPProtocolNCreateMessage6MpCLrirpcrlrnLGIOPMessageHMsgType_irnJErrorInfo__v_ (8e9ea8, ed5298, 1, 2, 1, aa9958) + 6c0
 fc61f218 __1cNTGIOPProtocolMTGIOPService6Mpvrirpcrl_v_ (8e9ea8, 8dbde4, ffbfef38, ffbfef3c, ffbfef34, fc61f124) + f4
 fcff0014 __1cRGIOPProtocolTowerMTGIOPService6Fpvrirpcrl_v_ (8dbde4, ffbfef38, ffbfef3c, ffbfef34, fd0db020, fd0e7c38) + b0
 0068caf8 CORBA_SVC (8dbde4, 8dbde4, 0, ed51d0, 2e, 0) + 38
 fcc54d04 _tmsvcdsp (0, 628, 0, 0, 62c, 0) + 1120
 fcc798c0 _tmrunserver (8d7a38, 1400, fcd6e618, fb44be3c, 8e2a08, 8da8f8) + 1598
 fcc537e4 _tmstartserver (13, ffbff644, 8a8a6c, 1d3c, 8d1238, 1) + 1b8
 0020b228 main     (13, ffbff644, ffbff694, 8a8000, fc9b6900, 0) + b0
 00146490 _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 108

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瀞厅☆埖开 2024-12-13 01:39:26

很难回答到底是什么导致了这次崩溃,因为您没有发布重现该问题的完整代码示例。您必须使用内存分析器(例如 - Valgrind)才能找到内存损坏或访问越界的位置。

It is hard to answer what exactly is causing this crash since you didn't post a complete code example that reproduces the problem. You have to use a memory profiler (for example - Valgrind) in order to find the place where memory gets corrupted or access goes out of bounds.

ㄖ落Θ余辉 2024-12-13 01:39:26

如果我不得不猜测(这就是任何人都可以用那段小代码做的事情)那么我会说这是一个线程安全问题。看起来发生崩溃是因为分配器在尝试更新引用计数时无法获得互斥锁。我会寻找在不同线程中修改同一字符串或分配其他字符串的位置。检查 rw 文档以了解其线程安全策略。

If I had to guess (and that's all anyone can do with that little code) then I'd say that it's a thread safety issue. It looks like the crash happens because the allocator can't get the mutex lock when trying to update a reference count. I'd look for places where the same string was being modified in a different thread, or other strings were being allocated. Check the rw docs about it's thread safety policy.

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