现在我必须在排序之前将 hastable 复制到列表中:
(defun good-red ()
(let ((tab (make-hash-table)) (res '()))
(dotimes (i 33) (setf (gethash (+ i 1) tab) 0))
(with-open-file (stream "test.txt")
(loop for line = (read-line stream nil)
until (null line)
(setq nums (butlast (str2lst (substring line 6))))
(dolist (n nums) (incf (gethash n tab)))
**(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (push (cons k v) res)) tab)**
(setq sort-res (sort res #'< :key #'cdr))
(reverse (nthcdr (- 33 18) (mapcar #'car sort-res))) ))
顺便说一句,获取列表的前 N 个元素的更好方法是什么?
Now i have to copy the hastable to a list before sorting it:
(defun good-red ()
(let ((tab (make-hash-table)) (res '()))
(dotimes (i 33) (setf (gethash (+ i 1) tab) 0))
(with-open-file (stream "test.txt")
(loop for line = (read-line stream nil)
until (null line)
(setq nums (butlast (str2lst (substring line 6))))
(dolist (n nums) (incf (gethash n tab)))
**(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (push (cons k v) res)) tab)**
(setq sort-res (sort res #'< :key #'cdr))
(reverse (nthcdr (- 33 18) (mapcar #'car sort-res))) ))
BTW, what's the better way to fetch the first N elements of a list ?
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瓦廷的答案在技术上是正确的,但对于提出这个问题的人的直接问题可能不是很有帮助。使用哈希表来保存计数器集合,然后按分数选择前 N 个项目的常见情况可以如下完成:
第一个函数将哈希表的内容作为一系列 cons 列表中的对,称为关联列表(键/值对的典型列表表示)。大多数 Lisp 爱好者手头上已经有了这个函数的变体,因为它是一个非常常见的操作。该版本来自 Alexandria 库,该库在 CL 社区中使用非常广泛。
第二个函数使用 SUBSEQ 从通过使用每对 CDR 作为键对第一个函数返回的列表进行排序而返回的列表中获取前 N 个项目。将 :key 更改为 #'car 将按哈希键排序,将 #'> 更改为到 #'<会颠倒排序顺序。
Vatine's answer is technically correct, but probably not super helpful for the immediate problem of someone asking this question. The common case of using a hash table to hold a collection of counters, then selecting the top N items by score can be done like this:
The first function returns the contents of a hash table as a series of cons'd pairs in a list, which is called an association list (the typical list representation for key/value pairs). Most Lisp enthusiasts already have a variation of this function on hand because it's such a common operation. This version is from the Alexandria library, which is very widely used in the CL community.
The second function uses SUBSEQ to grab the first N items from the list returned by sorting the alist returned by the first function using the CDR of each pair as the key. Changing :key to #'car would sort by hash keys, changing #'> to #'< would invert the sort order.
如果你想获取序列的前 N 个元素,总是有 SUBSEQ。
A hash-table is inherently unordered. If you want it sorted, you need to initialize some sort of ordered data structure with the contents.
If you want to fetch the first N elements of a sequence, there's always SUBSEQ.