GWT 应用程序可以打包为 Appcelerator Titanium 应用程序吗?
I am curious regarding one answer from this question:
Gwt: Run as desktop application
Regarding packaging a GWT App into a Appcelerator Titanium app, is that really possible?
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我很确定 GWT 是用 Java 编写的,但可以编译为 HTML/CSS 和 HTML/CSS。 JavaScript 通过您的浏览器运行。因此,您可以轻松地将这些 HTML 文件放入您的 Titanium 应用程序中,并使用应用程序中的网络浏览器功能打开它们。因此,如果您使用的是 iPad / iPhone,它将使用 Safari 直接在应用程序的窗口中打开。
I'm pretty sure that GWT is written in Java but compiles down to HTML/CSS & JavaScript and is run thorough your browser. So you could easily put these HTML files in your Titanium app and use the web browser feature in the app to open them. So if you were on the iPad / iPhone it would open directly in a window in your app using safari.