- 机器学习和数据挖掘之间有什么关系?
- 我发现许多数据挖掘技术都与统计相关,而我“听说”数据挖掘与机器学习有很多关系。所以我的问题是:机器学习与统计学密切相关吗?
- 如果它们不密切相关,是否存在将侧重于统计技术的数据挖掘和侧重于机器学习技能的数据挖掘分开的划分?因为我发现有些研究生院统计系开设了数据挖掘课程。
I am currently learning data mining and I have the following questions.
- what is the relationship between machine learning and data mining?
- I found many data mining techniques are associated with statistics, while I "hear" data mining has many thing to do with machine learning. So my question is: is machine learning closely related with statistics?
- If they are not closely related, is there such divisions that separate data mining focusing on statistical techniques and data mining focusing on machine learning skills? Because I found department of statistics of some graduate schools open data mining courses.
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Wikipedia 对数据挖掘的定义是:
Data mining is the process of extracting useful information from data, such as patterns, trends, customer/user behavior, liking/disliking etc. This involves the use of algorithms that are related to Artificial Intelligence and statistics.
Wikipedia's definition of Data Mining is:
Machine Learning involves making the computers "learn" that behavior, trend etc, and to act according. For example, in credit card fraud, the computer "learns" the behavior of a customer, and if something strange occurs (a transaction involving very high amounts etc), it flags that transaction for potential fraud.
Wikipedia's definition of machine learning is:
Machine learning uses Data Mining to learn the pattern, behavior, trend etc, because Data Mining is the way of extracting this information from a set of data. Data Mining and Machine Learning both use Statistics make decisions. So yes statistics is involved and is very important in Data Mining and Machine learning.
There tends to be a lot of overlap between what different people call machine learning, data mining and statistics. The very definitions of the terms would depend on whom you ask.
Here is a nice overview, with lots of great links.
Although overlap between data Data mining and Machine Learning, we can distinguish between them; simply, such as:
Data mining search for patterns to predict and/or describe huge data,
Machine Learning goes further to use these patterns to learn.
And both based on Statistics.
@SpeedBirdNine 已经给出了全面的答案。旁注:
关于你的最后一个问题,我认为,在任何有意义的研究中,你要么需要对大数据应用一些统计方法,这就是DM/ML派上用场的时候,要么你需要应用已经设计好的DM/ML方法基于经典统计。这是每个 DM/ML 研究都会涉及的两个部分,也不排除统计,更不用说当目标是提出一种高贵的 DM/ML 算法来分析/聚类/分类大数据时。
A comprehensive answer was already given by @SpeedBirdNine. As a side note:
Regarding your last question, in my opinion, in any meaningful research, you either need to apply some statistical methods on big data and this is when DM/ML comes in handy, or you need to apply a DM/ML method which is already designed based on classical statistics. These are the two sections that every DM/ML research is involved, and statistics is not excluded, let alone when the goal is to come up with a noble DM/ML algorithm to analyze/cluster/classify big data.