SQL Server 突然出现连接问题
我有一个连接到 SQL Server (C#) 应用程序的应用程序。我没有对服务器或工作站进行任何我能想到的更改,但应用程序突然无法连接(超时错误)。使用一些 VBA/excel 代码进行连接可以正常工作,并且在服务器上运行 C# 应用程序(但使用与工作站上相同的连接字符串)也可以正常工作。我尝试使用简单的 C# 程序连接到数据库,但又出现同样的错误。
VBA 和 C# 中的连接字符串相同,只是 VBA 中包含 Provider=SQLOLEDB。
我尝试重新启动所有计算机、重新启动 SQL Server 等。
I have an app that connects to SQL Server (C#) app. I have made no changes that I can think of to the server or workstation but suddenly the app cannot connect (timeout error). Connecting using some VBA/excel code works fine and running the C# app on the server (but using the same connection string as on the workstation) works just fine. I tried to just connect to the DB using a simple C# program and again same error.
The connection string is identical in VBA and in C# except VBA has Provider=SQLOLEDB in it.
I tried restarting all machines, restarting SQL Server etc.
Any ideas?
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是时候回到基础了。您可以从工作站通过 telnet 连接到 SQL Server 端口吗? VBA 使用哪个提供程序? C# 使用什么提供程序?
Time to go back to basics. From the workstation can you connect to the SQL Server port with telnet? What provider is the VBA using? What provider is the C# using?