虽然左堆和斜堆都支持合并、插入和 每次操作的delete_min都在O(log n)时间内有效,有 改进的空间,因为我们知道二进制堆支持 每次操作的平均插入时间恒定。二项式队列 在 O(log n) 最坏情况下支持所有三个操作 操作,但插入平均需要恒定时间。
在上面的文本中,作者所说的每次操作的平均平均时间恒定是什么意思?以及它与二项式队列的不同之处在于插入需要常数 平均时间?
Below text is from binomial queues article.
Although both leftist and skew heaps support merging, insertion, and
delete_min all effectively in O(log n) time per operation, there is
room for improvement because we know that binary heaps support
insertion in constant average time per operation. Binomial queues
support all three operations in O(log n) worst-case time per
operation, but insertions take constant time on average.
In above text what does author mean by constant average time per operation? and how it is different from for binomial queues insertion takes constant
time on average?
What is difference between constant average time per operation and constant time on average?
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没有什么区别。作者一方面对比左堆和倾斜堆,另一方面对比二项堆,以表明二项式堆具有二项堆(预期 O(1) 插入)左堆和倾斜堆所没有的一些优点(它们只有摊销 O(1) 插入)。
There is no difference. The author is contrasting leftist and skew heaps on the one hand, and binary heaps on the other, to show that binomial heaps have some of the advantages of binary heaps (expected O(1) insert) that leftist and skew heaps do not have (they only have amortized O(1) insert).