If you root the devices you can use Clockwork Recovery Mod to create a Nandroid backup. You should be able to copy that file from one device to the other and then using clockwork recovery to restore the device from that backup file.
Its pretty simple to do, I've never tried using a backup from one device on another so you should probably make sure that won't cause problems.
如果您root了设备,您可以使用Clockwork Recovery Mod来创建Nandroid备份。您应该能够将该文件从一台设备复制到另一台设备,然后使用发条恢复从该备份文件恢复设备。
If you root the devices you can use Clockwork Recovery Mod to create a Nandroid backup. You should be able to copy that file from one device to the other and then using clockwork recovery to restore the device from that backup file.
Its pretty simple to do, I've never tried using a backup from one device on another so you should probably make sure that won't cause problems.