为什么 .NET 不记录 StackOverflow 异常的堆栈跟踪?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
throw new Exception("lol");
并从命令行运行 exe,我会在事件日志中看到两个条目。一个是应用程序错误,表明存在未处理的异常,另一个包含源为 .NET 运行时的堆栈跟踪。
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static void Recurse4Evr()
为什么不记录堆栈跟踪?如果我设置 DebugDiag 并将其附加到我的进程,然后出现堆栈溢出,则 DebugDiag 能够记录堆栈跟踪。显然,堆栈跟踪可以通过某种方式供外界使用。如果运行时由于检测到堆栈溢出而终止进程,那么它也知道堆栈是什么。
If I write this:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
throw new Exception("lol");
and run the exe from the command line, I get two entries in my event log. One is an application error that says there was an unhandled exception, and the other contains the stack trace with the source as .NET Runtime.
If I write this:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static void Recurse4Evr()
I only get one entry in my event log, which says Application Error and that there was a stack overflow exception. There isn't that second entry with the stack trace, so it's basically useless.
Why isn't the stack trace also logged? If I setup DebugDiag and attach it to my process and then there is a stack overflow, DebugDiag is able to log the stack trace. Obviously the stack trace is available to the outside world in some way. If the runtime is terminating the process because it detected a stackoverflow, then it also knows what the stack is.
In large applications that have many complex interactions, it is often not possible to recreate the conditions that led to a stack overflow. In this situation, a stack trace is the only way to figure out what happened. Why did microsoft decide it wasn't important to log this information? Was there a legitimate design decision that isn't obvious?
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来自 Damien_The_Unknowner
来自 StackOverflowExceptions:
来自 JaredPar
从 2.0 开始,只能捕获 StackOverflow 异常在以下情况下。
Stack overflow is considered a non-recoverable situation and for such the runtime kills the process.
to sum up:
from Damien_The_Unbeliever
From the MSDN page on StackOverflowExceptions:
from JaredPar
Starting with 2.0 a StackOverflow Exception can only be caught in the following circumstances.
这显然是不可能的。如果您想要堆栈跟踪以便找到导致应用程序终止的违规代码,则需要附加第 3 方工具,例如 DebugDiag 或 AdsPlus。祝你好运,这些工具基本上没有文档。
This is apparently not possible. If you want a stack trace so you can find the offending code that killed your application, you need to attach a 3rd party tool like DebugDiag or AdsPlus. Good luck, there is basically no documentation for these tools.