WPF DataGrid:调整列大小

发布于 2024-12-05 04:34:08 字数 163 浏览 1 评论 0原文

我有一个 System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid,其属性 CanUserResizeColumns 分配为 True。现在我可以通过在两个列标题之间单击鼠标左键来调整列的宽度。

但我还希望能够更改 dataGrid 任何行中的列宽度,而不仅仅是列标题中的宽度。是否可以?

I have a System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid with property CanUserResizeColumns assigned to True. Now I can adjust the width of the columns by using the mouse left button click between 2 column headers.

But I also want to be able to change the width of the columns in any row of the dataGrid, not only in the column headers. Is it possible?

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云雾 2024-12-12 04:34:08

在您的 dataGrid 中,您可以使用 DataGridTemplate 列与 GridSplitter 来实现此目的。

 <toolkit:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Text" >
                 <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
                 <ColumnDefinition  Width="Auto"/>
              <TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"/>
              <GridSplitter Grid.Column="1" Width="3"
                            Tag="{Binding BindsDirectlyToSource=True,
                                      AncestorType={x:Type toolkit:DataGridCell}}}"/>


    private void GridSplitter_DragDelta(
         object sender,
         System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragDeltaEventArgs e)
        var gridSplitter = sender as GridSplitter;

        if (gridSplitter != null)
            ((DataGridCell) gridSplitter.Tag).Column.Width
                = ((DataGridCell) gridSplitter.Tag).Column.ActualWidth +

这样 GridSplitter 在单个单元格级别可以调整其整个列的大小。

如果您使用 MVVM,则应将上述事件处理程序放入附加行为中

In your dataGrid you can use a DataGridTemplate column alogn with a GridSplitter to achieve this..

 <toolkit:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Text" >
                 <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
                 <ColumnDefinition  Width="Auto"/>
              <TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"/>
              <GridSplitter Grid.Column="1" Width="3"
                            Tag="{Binding BindsDirectlyToSource=True,
                                      AncestorType={x:Type toolkit:DataGridCell}}}"/>

Then in your code behind... do this...

    private void GridSplitter_DragDelta(
         object sender,
         System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragDeltaEventArgs e)
        var gridSplitter = sender as GridSplitter;

        if (gridSplitter != null)
            ((DataGridCell) gridSplitter.Tag).Column.Width
                = ((DataGridCell) gridSplitter.Tag).Column.ActualWidth +

This way a GridSplitter at individual cell level can resize its entire column.

If you are using MVVM then the above event handler should be put in an Attached Behavior

狼亦尘 2024-12-12 04:34:08

继 WPF-其出色的答案之后,以下是如何通过附加行为实现相同的结果:

public static class SplitterOnGridCellBehaviour
    public static readonly DependencyProperty ChangeGridCellSizeOnDragProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag", typeof (bool),
                                            typeof (SplitterOnGridCellBehaviour),
                                            new PropertyMetadata(false, OnChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag));

private static void OnChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
    GridSplitter splitter = dependencyObject as GridSplitter;

    if(splitter == null)
        throw new NotSupportedException("SplitterOnGridCellBehaviour can only be on a GridSplitter");

        splitter.DragDelta += SplitterOnDragDelta;
        splitter.DragDelta -= SplitterOnDragDelta;

private static void SplitterOnDragDelta(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs args)
    GridSplitter splitter = (GridSplitter)sender;
    var containerCell = splitter.FindParent<DataGridCell>();
    containerCell.Column.Width = containerCell.Column.ActualWidth + args.HorizontalChange;

public static void SetChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag(UIElement element, bool value)
    element.SetValue(ChangeGridCellSizeOnDragProperty, value);

public static bool GetChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag(UIElement element)
    return (bool) element.GetValue(ChangeGridCellSizeOnDragProperty);

public static T FindParent<T>(this DependencyObject child)
   where T : DependencyObject
    DependencyObject parentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);

    if (parentObject == null) return null;

    var parent = parentObject as T;
    if (parent != null)
        return parent;
    return FindParent<T>(parentObject);

为了使所有网格拆分器在 DataGrid 中显示为一个,我将 DataGridCell 的 BorderThickness 调整为 0,否则所有网格分隔符显示为破折号(至少在 Windows 8 上)。

窗口的 XAML 如下所示:

<Window x:Class="DataGridWithSplitter.MainWindow"
        xmlns:local="clr-namespace:DataGridWithSplitter" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <DataTemplate x:Key="CellWithSplitterTemplate">
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition  Width="Auto"/>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Column1}"/>
                <GridSplitter Grid.Column="1" Width="3" Background="Black" local:SplitterOnGridCellBehaviour.ChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag="True" />
        <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding SampleData}" GridLinesVisibility="None" HeadersVisibility="None" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
                <!-- Makes the GridSplitters Solid -->
                <Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
                    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0" />
                <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="First Column" CellTemplate="{StaticResource CellWithSplitterTemplate}"  />
                <DataGridTextColumn Header="Other column" Binding="{Binding Column2}" />

其余部分的计算相当明显,但为了完整起见,Windows DataContext 设置为以下 ViewModel 代码的实例:

public class SampleData
    public string Column1 { get; set; }

    public string Column2 { get; set; }

public class MainWindowViewModel
    public IEnumerable<SampleData> SampleData
            return new List<SampleData>()
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},

Following on from WPF-its excellent answer, here's how to achieve the same result with at attached behavior:

public static class SplitterOnGridCellBehaviour
    public static readonly DependencyProperty ChangeGridCellSizeOnDragProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag", typeof (bool),
                                            typeof (SplitterOnGridCellBehaviour),
                                            new PropertyMetadata(false, OnChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag));

private static void OnChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
    GridSplitter splitter = dependencyObject as GridSplitter;

    if(splitter == null)
        throw new NotSupportedException("SplitterOnGridCellBehaviour can only be on a GridSplitter");

        splitter.DragDelta += SplitterOnDragDelta;
        splitter.DragDelta -= SplitterOnDragDelta;

private static void SplitterOnDragDelta(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs args)
    GridSplitter splitter = (GridSplitter)sender;
    var containerCell = splitter.FindParent<DataGridCell>();
    containerCell.Column.Width = containerCell.Column.ActualWidth + args.HorizontalChange;

public static void SetChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag(UIElement element, bool value)
    element.SetValue(ChangeGridCellSizeOnDragProperty, value);

public static bool GetChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag(UIElement element)
    return (bool) element.GetValue(ChangeGridCellSizeOnDragProperty);

public static T FindParent<T>(this DependencyObject child)
   where T : DependencyObject
    DependencyObject parentObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(child);

    if (parentObject == null) return null;

    var parent = parentObject as T;
    if (parent != null)
        return parent;
    return FindParent<T>(parentObject);

To make all of the grid splitters appear as one in the DataGrid, I adjusted the BorderThickness of the DataGridCell to 0, otherwise all of the grid splitters appeared as dashes (on Windows 8 at least).

The XAML for the Window looks like this:

<Window x:Class="DataGridWithSplitter.MainWindow"
        xmlns:local="clr-namespace:DataGridWithSplitter" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <DataTemplate x:Key="CellWithSplitterTemplate">
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition  Width="Auto"/>
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Column1}"/>
                <GridSplitter Grid.Column="1" Width="3" Background="Black" local:SplitterOnGridCellBehaviour.ChangeGridCellSizeOnDrag="True" />
        <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding SampleData}" GridLinesVisibility="None" HeadersVisibility="None" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
                <!-- Makes the GridSplitters Solid -->
                <Style TargetType="DataGridCell">
                    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0" />
                <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="First Column" CellTemplate="{StaticResource CellWithSplitterTemplate}"  />
                <DataGridTextColumn Header="Other column" Binding="{Binding Column2}" />

The rest of it is fairly obvious to work out, but for completeness the Windows DataContext was set to an instance of the following ViewModel code:

public class SampleData
    public string Column1 { get; set; }

    public string Column2 { get; set; }

public class MainWindowViewModel
    public IEnumerable<SampleData> SampleData
            return new List<SampleData>()
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
                            new SampleData() {Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World"},
从此见与不见 2024-12-12 04:34:08

这是一种不会污染数据网格内容的替代解决方案。在 DataGrid 顶部放置一个 Canvas,并且在该 Canvas 内有一条可以左右拖动的线。拖动时,它会更新所需的列宽。


        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
    <DataGrid x:Name="grid" Grid.Row="0" /> <!-- This is your data grid -->
    <Canvas Grid.Row="0"> <!-- Canvas layerd over data grid -->
        <Line StrokeThickness="4" Stroke="Transparent" Cursor="SizeWE"
              X1="{Binding Columns[0].ActualWidth, ElementName=grid}"
              X2="{Binding X1, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
              Y2="{Binding ActualHeight, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Canvas}}}"

C# 代码隐藏:

#region SplitBarHandling
bool splitBarDragging = false;
double splitBarMouseLastX = 0;
private void OnSplitLineMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;
    splitBarDragging = true;
    splitBarMouseLastX = e.GetPosition(null).X;

private void OnSplitLineMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;
    splitBarDragging = false;

private void OnSplitLineMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
    if (splitBarDragging)
        e.Handled = true;
        double newX = e.GetPosition(null).X;
        grid.Columns[0].Width = grid.Columns[0].ActualWidth + (newX - splitBarMouseLastX);
        splitBarMouseLastX = newX;

此外,您可以选择任何您认为用户友好的线条粗细,而不会影响网格单元的布局。我选择 4 是因为即使数据网格将垂直网格线渲染为 1 像素宽,它也可以轻松拾取。

示例代码来自我的自定义 PropertyGrid 代码库,它只有两列,因此是硬编码列 0。为了更通用,我会将其转换为附加行为,支持所需的尽可能多的列,或者子-类 DataGrid 本身。

与上一个解决方案相比,无论您有多少数据网格行,此解决方案都只添加了一些 WPF 元素来支持该行为,因此它在大型数据集上可能更高效且可扩展。

Here is an alternative solution that does not pollute your data grid contents. Layer a Canvas on top of the DataGrid, and within that Canvas have a Line that can be dragged left and right. When dragged, it updates the desired column width.


        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
    <DataGrid x:Name="grid" Grid.Row="0" /> <!-- This is your data grid -->
    <Canvas Grid.Row="0"> <!-- Canvas layerd over data grid -->
        <Line StrokeThickness="4" Stroke="Transparent" Cursor="SizeWE"
              X1="{Binding Columns[0].ActualWidth, ElementName=grid}"
              X2="{Binding X1, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
              Y2="{Binding ActualHeight, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Canvas}}}"

C# code-behind:

#region SplitBarHandling
bool splitBarDragging = false;
double splitBarMouseLastX = 0;
private void OnSplitLineMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;
    splitBarDragging = true;
    splitBarMouseLastX = e.GetPosition(null).X;

private void OnSplitLineMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;
    splitBarDragging = false;

private void OnSplitLineMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
    if (splitBarDragging)
        e.Handled = true;
        double newX = e.GetPosition(null).X;
        grid.Columns[0].Width = grid.Columns[0].ActualWidth + (newX - splitBarMouseLastX);
        splitBarMouseLastX = newX;

Note I chose to make the line transparent so the final user will not actually see it. This is because I already rely on the data grid itself to show the vertical grid lines between columns.
Also, you may choose the line thickness to whatever you find to be user-friendly without affecting the layout of the grid cells. I chose 4 because it makes it easy to pickup even though the datagrid renders the vertical grid line as 1-pixel wide.

The example code comes from my custom PropertyGrid code-base, which has only two columns, hence the hard-coded column 0. For more generalization, I'd turn this into an attached behavior with support for as many columns needed, or sub-class DataGrid itself.

Compared to the previous solution, this one only adds a few WPF elements to support the behavior regardless of how many data grid rows you have, so it might be more efficient and scalable on large data sets.

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