如何在 CoffeeScript 或 Javascript 中列出继承类的方法
class Complex
constructor: (@a, @b) ->
conjugate: -> new Complex(@a, -@b)
class ComplexSon extends Complex
constructor: (@a, @b) ->
@c = 3.14
magnitude: -> @a*@a + @b*@b
dumpMethods = (klass) ->
dumpMethods(Complex) == ['conjugate', 'constructor']
# success
dumpMethods(ComplexSon) == ['conjugate', 'constructor', 'magnitude']
# fails, returns ['constructor', 'magnitude']
dumpMethods 的正确定义是什么?
class Complex
constructor: (@a, @b) ->
conjugate: -> new Complex(@a, -@b)
class ComplexSon extends Complex
constructor: (@a, @b) ->
@c = 3.14
magnitude: -> @a*@a + @b*@b
I have defined the following method:
dumpMethods = (klass) ->
Test cases:
dumpMethods(Complex) == ['conjugate', 'constructor']
# success
dumpMethods(ComplexSon) == ['conjugate', 'constructor', 'magnitude']
# fails, returns ['constructor', 'magnitude']
What is the correct definition of dumpMethods?
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原型链实际上定义了类层次结构。因此,在您的情况下,ComplexSon 将有一个 Complex 原型,该原型将有一个 Object 本身的原型,即 JavaScript 中所有对象层次结构的根。
当您在实例上调用方法时,JavaScript 将在该实例上搜索该方法,然后在其原型中搜索,然后在链上搜索。第一个找到的就是它将执行的方法。
关于方法,在您的代码中,您正在查看 ComplexSon 的属性,它正确地仅包含两个方法。另一个(coniugate)不存在,因为它是通过原型到达的,您可以通过递归地沿着原型链向上列出它们。
Javascript (and consequently coffee script) use prototypal objects.
I suggest you read about it because the matter is rather complex.
Trying to summarize, each object has a prototype. The prototype is itself an object, has its own properties, and also has a prototype, and so on.
The chain of prototypes actually defines the class hierarchy. So in you case, ComplexSon will have a prototype that is Complex, that will have a prototype that is Object itself, the root of all object hierarchies in javascript.
When you call a method on an instance, javascript will search for that method on that instance, then in its prototype, then up on the chain. The first one found is the method it will execute.
As in most programming languages, you can go "up" the hierarchy and see superclasses, but rarely you can go down cause it is rarely needed by the language interpreter itself. However there are some workarounds, like ones used by prototype, to know the subclasses of a given class, but AFAIK they are not in the lauage itself, most often they simply keeps track of defined classes.
Regarding the methods, in your code you are looking at the properties of ComplexSon, that correctly consist of only two methods. The other one (coniugate) is not there cause it is reached via the prototype, you can list them all by recursively going up the prototype chain.
dumpMethods 遍历根类 Object,但避免列出 Object 中的方法。
Based on Gianni's answer I ended up with the following implementation.
dumpMethods traverses against the root class, Object, but avoids listing the methods in Object.