我在 inet 上没有找到任何关于如何创建网络共享并为本地组设置权限的好信息或库。我正在使用 c# 和 Windows Server 2008。
I didn't find any good info or library on the inet, about how to create a network share and set permission for a local group. I'm using c# and Windows Server 2008.
Does anyone have some good resources or sample to point me in the right direction?
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您可以使用 Pinvoke 或 WMI,
Code Project 上有一篇关于此的非常好的文章:如何使用.NET框架创建文件共享
整个事情的关键是以下Windows API:
对于使用WMI,MSDN“知道”:创建 Win32_Share 类的方法
You can use Pinvoke or WMI,
there is a very nice article on this on Code Project: How to create a file share using .NET framework
the key of the whole thing is the following Windows API:
for using WMI, MSDN "knows": Create method of the Win32_Share Class