Navision DB 和 SQL Server DB 之间的区别
我是 Navision 应用程序的新手。您能解释一下 Navision DB 和 Sql Server DB 之间的区别吗?
I am new to Navision application.Can you please explain the difference between Navision DB and Sql Server DB?
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Navision 使用 MySQL 标准数据库,而不仅仅是 SQL。您应该能够看到它,具体取决于您的 NAV 安装上的层组成。
Navision uses MySQL standard database, not just SQL. You should be able to see it depending on the tier composition you have on your NAV installation.
这完全取决于您如何安装 Navision。请参阅 Wikipedia 上的条目了解我的意思。它可以与 SQL Server 或其本机数据库服务器(称为“经典”)一起安装。通过 Google 搜索Classic Navision Database 应该可以帮助您顺利开展研究。
That completely depends on how you have Navision installed. See the entry on Wikipedia to see what I mean. It can be installed with SQL Server, or their native database server (referred to as 'Classic'). A google search for Classic Navision Database should get you well along in your research.
如果你希望能够使用sql语法进行数据库查询,那么你需要安装sql server数据库。本机数据库不支持sql。
If you want to be able to use sql syntax for database queries, then you need to install the sql server database. The native database does not support sql.