Aptana 如何帮助 Netsuite Client Suitescript 开发?
我从 3 年过期页面 http://suitesource.netsuite.com/s.nl/it.A/id.82/.f。我有最新的 eclipse,带有 Aptana 插件和 NetSuiteEclipse 插件。
Aptana 到底能为我做什么?目前尚不完全清楚,Netsuite 似乎已经放弃了他们的目标。
I found my way here from the 3-years-out-of-date page at http://suitesource.netsuite.com/s.nl/it.A/id.82/.f . I have the latest eclipse, with the Aptana plugin and the NetSuiteEclipse plugin.
Just exactly what does Aptana do for me? It's not altogether clear, and it seems Netsuite may have abandoned their end of it.
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到目前为止,我最近发现的有关为 NetSuite 开发脚本的最佳环境是仅将 NetSuite 给出的说明打包并使用 Aptana Studio 3(而不是带有 Aptana 插件的 Eclipse),然后包含 NetSuite 插件以允许直接上传正如 Jeff 提到的,进入 NS。 Aptana Studio 基本上只是 Eclipse for JS 和一些额外的很酷的功能,比如内置的颜色主题。
您需要做的唯一其他步骤(NS 帮助中没有提到)是将 SuiteScriptApi.js (也许还有 nlapihandler.nl.js)放在主项目文件夹的根目录中。上述配置将为您提供一般 JavaScript 和 SuiteScript 的代码完成/定义。我忘记了从哪里得到这些文件,但你可以在 SuiteAnswers 上搜索它们。
帮助确实需要更新以包含 IDE 中的更改。
By far the best environment I have found lately with regards to developing scripts for NetSuite is to just bag the instructions given by NetSuite and go with Aptana Studio 3 (not Eclipse with the Aptana plugin) and then include the NetSuite plugin to allow for direct upload into NS as Jeff mentioned. Aptana Studio is basically just Eclipse for JS and some additional cool features, like built in color themes.
The only other step you need to do (and this is not mentioned in the NS help) is to place SuiteScriptApi.js (and maybe nlapihandler.nl.js) in the root of your main project folder. The above configuration will give you code completion/definition for JavaScript in general and SuiteScript. I forget where I got the files but you can search on SuiteAnswers for them.
The help really needs to be updated to include the changes in IDE's.
aptana 插件不是 Netsuite 特有的,它是一个用于 javascript 开发的插件,并为 javascript 提供代码补全。 netsuite 对象的代码完成是有限的。
Eclipse 的 netsuite 插件允许您直接从 eclipse 将 suitescript 上传到 netsuite。但是,我目前不记得上传文件的路径有一些限制。它不允许我按照我想要的方式设置路径,所以我停止使用它。
The aptana plugin is not Netsuite specific it is a plugin for javascript development and provides code completion for javascript. The code completion of the netsuite objects is limited.
The netsuite plugin to Eclipse allows you to upload your suitescripts to netsuite directly from eclipse. However there are some limitations as to the path of the uploaded files that I can't remember at the moment. It did not allow me to set the paths the way I wanted so I stopped using it.
使用 Suitecloud IDE。
从 Eclipse 创建,但针对 Netsuite API 进行了定制。
Use Suitecloud IDE.
Created from Eclipse but customized for Netsuite API.
大约每年我都会尝试一次 Aptana,但每次都会将其卸载——最近我第三次再次尝试并卸载了它。根据我的经验,代码完成不是很好,它不能处理复杂的继承情况,不能很好地处理对象文字表示法等。我没有证据,而且我已经卸载了它,所以如果有人问我对于具体的例子我无法给出。
我总是最终回到 Eclipse classic(我认为是 3.7)和 JS Eclipse(这是 Adobe 从 Interakt 但它仍然有效)它速度很快并且具有不错的代码完成能力。比阿普塔纳好吗?我不这么认为,但它更快,并且似乎需要更少的重新启动。
我希望我有更好的 Aptana 体验,这让我担心 JS Eclipse 是一个幽灵,在某个时候会消失。我在安装中维护了超过 48k 行的 SuiteScript,我真的可以使用更好的工具! ;)
About once a year I try Aptana and I end up uninstalling it each time- recently I tried again for my third time and uninstalled it. In my experience the code completion isn't very good, it doesn't handle complicated inheritance situations, doesn't play well with object literal notation, etc. I don't have proof and I've uninstalled it so if anyone asks me for specific examples I can't produce them.
I always end up back with Eclipse classic (3.7 I think) and JS Eclipse (which is an abandoned plugin that Adobe bought from Interakt but it still works) It's fast and has decent code completion. Is it better than Aptana? I don't think so, but it's snappier and seems to require less restarts.
I wish I had better experience with Aptana, it makes me nervous that JS Eclipse is a ghost that will disapear here at some point. I maintain over 48k lines of SuiteScript in our installation, I REALLY could use a better tool! ;)
尝试 Visual Studio 11。
我认为它具有更好的智能感知(只要您使用 SuiteScript API.js 等任何库对其进行配置)。如果您已经习惯使用 Visual Studio 进行 .NET 开发(包括 SuiteTalk Web 服务),那么它也能很好地工作。
Try Visual Studio 11.
It has much better intellisense in my opinion (as long as you configure it with any libraries such as the SuiteScript API.js). It also works well if you are already used to Visual Studio from .NET development (including SuiteTalk web services).
并不是真正的 IDE,但这里有一些建议。
使用 Google Chrome 调试器。当您在记录中处于编辑模式时(例如:客户),您可以使用 suitescript API 来获取对象树,这对于在 Netsuite 中开发客户端脚本并了解其 API 的工作原理非常有帮助。
Not really an IDE but here is some suggestion.
Use a Google Chrome debugger. When you are in Edit mode in a record (example: customer), you can use the suitescript API to get the object-tree, very helpful in developing client-side script in Netsuite and understanding how their API works.