public static string Wordify(this string camelCaseWord)
/* CamelCaseWord will become Camel Case Word,
if the word is all upper, just return it*/
if (!Regex.IsMatch(camelCaseWord, "[a-z]"))
return camelCaseWord;
return string.Join(" ", Regex.Split(camelCaseWord, @"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])"));
public static string[] SplitOnVal(this string text,string value)
return text.Split(new[] { value }, StringSplitOptions.None);
string strTest = "AdnanRazaBhatti";
var capitalCase = strTest.Wordify(); //Adnan Raza Bhatti
var brokenResults = capitalCase.SplitOnVal(" "); //seperate by a blank value in an array
you can use the following extension methods to split your string based on Capital letters:
public static string Wordify(this string camelCaseWord)
/* CamelCaseWord will become Camel Case Word,
if the word is all upper, just return it*/
if (!Regex.IsMatch(camelCaseWord, "[a-z]"))
return camelCaseWord;
return string.Join(" ", Regex.Split(camelCaseWord, @"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])"));
To split a string in a string array, you can use this:
public static string[] SplitOnVal(this string text,string value)
return text.Split(new[] { value }, StringSplitOptions.None);
If we take your example for consideration, the code will be as follows:
string strTest = "AdnanRazaBhatti";
var capitalCase = strTest.Wordify(); //Adnan Raza Bhatti
var brokenResults = capitalCase.SplitOnVal(" "); //seperate by a blank value in an array
string SplitCapital(string str)
//Search all capital letters and store indexes
var indexes = str
.Select((c, i) => new { c = c, i = i }) // Select information about char and position
.Where(c => Char.IsUpper(c.c)) // Get only capital chars
.Select(cl => cl.i); // Get indexes of capital chars
// If no indexes found or if indicies count equal to the source string length then return source string
if (!indexes.Any() || indexes.Count() == str.Length)
return str;
// Create string builder from the source string
var sb = new StringBuilder(str);
// Reverse indexes and remove 0 if necessary
foreach (var index in indexes.Reverse().Where(i => i != 0))
// Insert spaces before capital letter
sb.Insert(index, ' ');
return sb.ToString();
string SplitCapital(string str, out string[] parts)
var splitted = SplitCapital(str);
parts = splitted.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
return splitted;
Updated version. String builder was used to reduce memory utilization.
string SplitCapital(string str)
//Search all capital letters and store indexes
var indexes = str
.Select((c, i) => new { c = c, i = i }) // Select information about char and position
.Where(c => Char.IsUpper(c.c)) // Get only capital chars
.Select(cl => cl.i); // Get indexes of capital chars
// If no indexes found or if indicies count equal to the source string length then return source string
if (!indexes.Any() || indexes.Count() == str.Length)
return str;
// Create string builder from the source string
var sb = new StringBuilder(str);
// Reverse indexes and remove 0 if necessary
foreach (var index in indexes.Reverse().Where(i => i != 0))
// Insert spaces before capital letter
sb.Insert(index, ' ');
return sb.ToString();
string SplitCapital(string str, out string[] parts)
var splitted = SplitCapital(str);
parts = splitted.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
return splitted;
you can use the following extension methods to split your string based on Capital letters:
To split a string in a string array, you can use this:
If we take your example for consideration, the code will be as follows:
Check this code
Hope this answer helps you. If you find solution kindly mark my answer and point it up.
我认为 [AZ][az]+ 可能是一个不错的起点。
Looks to me like regular expressions is the way to go.
I think [A-Z][a-z]+ might be a good one to start with.
Updated version. String builder was used to reduce memory utilization.