在 mac osx 上的文件系统中组织源代码
关于在 mac osx 上组织源代码的好方法有什么建议吗?我通常进行 ruby 或 ruby on Rails 开发,并且我过去有很多使用经典 asp 和 asp.net MVC C# 的项目。我还从 github 下载了很多 git 存储库。
对于网站项目,我有很多 Photoshop 文件,这些文件应该放在哪里?
我有什么理由应该将 .net 和 Rails 项目保存在不同的文件夹中?比如一个用于 asp.net,一个用于 Rails?
Any recommendations on a good way to organize source code on mac osx? I'm usually doing ruby or ruby on rails development and I have a lot of past projects in classic asp and asp.net MVC C#. I also have a lot of git repos I download from github.
I want some general guidlines but I do have a few specific questions.
Should I put my source code files under my user. So like this
Or should I put it under the root? I prefer the root but dunno if that's a bad idea.
Should I keep my website project separate from my non-website projects?
For website projects I have a lot of photoshop files, where should those go?
Any reason I should keep my .net and rails projects in different folders? Like one for asp.net and one for rails?
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“在您的用户下”,即在您的主目录中。许多人喜欢在他们的主目录中有一个 src 目录,用于存放源代码。我认为您不会就如何组织 src 文件夹达成任何共识 - 大多数时候它只是扁平的,其中包含许多子目录。
"Under your user", i.e., in your home directory. Many folks like to have a
directory in their home directory which they use for source code. I don't think you'll find any consensus on how to organize thatsrc
folder -- most of the time it's just flat, with many subdirectories in it.