这可能是一个天真的问题,但我真的很想知道为什么逻辑被开发用于人工智能。特别是,如果我们可以使用状态的简单原子表示进行编程,那么在人工智能中开发一阶逻辑和 PDDL 的必要性是什么?我再次意识到这是一个非常基本的问题!
This might be a naive question, but i am really interested to know why logic was developed to be used in AI. In particular, what was the need to develop first order logic and PDDL in AI, if we could do the programming using simple atomic representation of states? Again, I realize this is a really basic question!!
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你可以提出诸如“所有人都能思考”之类的命题。使用一阶语言,不必声明“Alice 可以思考。Bob 可以思考。Carol 可以思考......”。
如果您查看 IPC 中的一些 PDDL 规划问题,有时会发现在命题级别上制定了基础版本。而且文件要大得多。你不想用手写这些。
So your question is about: why do we program/model on a first-order level instead of a propositional level? Simply because it is more concise.
You can make propositions like "All humans can think." with a first-order language and don't have to state "Alice can think. Bob can think. Carol can think. ...".
If you look at some PDDL planning problems from the IPC, there are sometimes ground versions that are formulated on a propositional level. And the files are much larger. You don't want to write those by hand.
我不了解 PDDL,但一阶逻辑是在计算机发明之前开发的,因此它不适用于人工智能。它告诉您哪些参数是有效的。
I don't know about PDDL, but first order logic was developed before computers ever were invented, so it wasn't for use in AI. It tells you what arguments are valid.