MIPS is not used much outside embedded systems, because the implementations are quite slow compared to x86 or ARM. On the other hand, plenty of embedded systems use some other processor than MIPS, there are a lot of alternatives.
RISC takes less silicon space to implement than CISC. Therefore the processors are cheaper and often also use less power, both of which are very desired properties in embedded systems.
MIPS 在嵌入式系统之外使用不多,因为与 x86 或 ARM 相比,其实现速度相当慢。另一方面,大量嵌入式系统使用 MIPS 之外的其他处理器,因此有很多替代方案。
RISC 的实现比 CISC 占用的硅空间更少。因此,处理器更便宜并且通常使用更少的功率,这两者都是嵌入式系统中非常需要的属性。
MIPS is not used much outside embedded systems, because the implementations are quite slow compared to x86 or ARM. On the other hand, plenty of embedded systems use some other processor than MIPS, there are a lot of alternatives.
RISC takes less silicon space to implement than CISC. Therefore the processors are cheaper and often also use less power, both of which are very desired properties in embedded systems.