我开始使用 cakePhp 制作一个小网站。我定义了表之间的关系,我想知道:每次都会加载那些相关数据吗?因为根据当前视图的不同,有些链接表永远不会被使用,而实际上它们每次都会被查询。
I'm starting to use cakePhp to make a small website. I defined relationship between table, and I want to know: will those related data loaded every time? Because depending of the current view, some linked table will never be used, and actually they are queried every time.
It's a big cost for what it brings to us, no?
So how to have this kind of relationship and activate it only when we need it? Some kind of lazy loading which loads the related table only if I need it?
Cake 有助于在运行查询之前解除非必需模型的绑定。
$this->unbindModel(array($relation => $model));
$relation - 是您与其他模型的关系。
$model - 型号名称。
例如:$this->Library->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Membership'),),false);
Cake facilates to unbind your non require model befire you run your query.
$this->unbindModel(array($relation => $model));
$relation - Is your relation with your other model.
$model - Model Name.
eg: $this->Library->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Membership'),),false);
。不要做一些愚蠢的事情,比如使用递归级别 2,然后取消绑定所有不需要的模型。
Try using proper
level first, After that useunBindModel
as stated by @riky.Don't do something silly like using
level 2 and after that unbinding all the unwanted models.每次都会加载那些相关数据吗?
我认为延迟加载不可用。您始终可以动态绑定模型。但我再说一次,你担心的是微小的优化。每个请求加载这些模型通常需要几毫秒。will those related data loaded every time?
The data: no. The models: yes, related models will be initialized.Because depending of the current view, some linked table will never be used, and actually they are queried every time.
Use containable orrecursive
.It's a big cost for what it brings to us, no?
Well, maybe, if you have a lot of relationships. Otherwise, it's just more convenient.So how to have this kind of relationship and activate it only when we need it? Some kind of lazy loading which loads the related table only if I need it?
I don't think lazy loading is available. You can always bindModel on the fly. But again, I'd say you are worrying about tiny optimizations. Loading those models would usually take a few milisec in each request.