我应该担心 Pyramid 的小用户群吗?
我是网络应用程序开发的新手,我刚刚开始构建一个(相对较大的)网络应用程序。到目前为止,我一直在使用 Django,但是,我刚刚阅读了 Pyramid,我真的很喜欢它的声音:它的文档读起来很好,它似乎很容易从小规模扩展 -对于大型项目,它拥有伟大的性能,而且它的开发人员似乎很重视它。所有美好的事物。它看起来也很灵活,很适合我的需求。然而,我担心金字塔的用户群。
例如,在 stackoverflow 上,“pyramid”标签本周出现了 6 个问题,而“django”标签则出现了 247 个问题。我知道 Pyramid 开发人员 致力于回答开发人员提出的任何问题,但这并不能完全让我放心。我只是不确定选择一个社区规模如此之小的框架是否会冒风险。我担心的是:
- 没有太多“用户”文档
- 借助 Django,您可以通过 Google 搜索如何做几乎任何您想做的事情,最终您会在世界某个地方的某人的博客上找到教程。
- 我担心的是,尽管金字塔文档看起来相当全面,但当您最终进入文档未涵盖的领域时,您就有点靠自己了(直到您提交问题并收到回复,这似乎就像一个比阅读博客更漫长的过程)。
- 如果它消失了怎么办?
- Django 不会去任何地方。我对金字塔了解不够,无法做出同样的假设。如果我花了一年时间开发和维护这个应用程序,却发现与此同时 Pyramid 支持已经消失、合并到另一个项目等,该怎么办?
- 为我的应用程序雇用未来的开发人员 - 他们很可能会了解 Django,而不是 Pyramid。
- 如果 Pyramid 对于已经了解 Django 的人来说学习曲线相对较小,也许这不会是一个大问题?
- 在如此年轻的社区中使用框架可能还有其他我不知道的严重缺点。
不管怎样,我希望有经验的开发人员能给我一些关于这一切的反馈。选择 Pyramid 而不是 Django 会冒多大的风险?更一般地说,通过选择更新的技术而不是旧的技术?
I'm new to web-application development, and I've just started building a (relatively large) webapp. Thus-far I've been using Django, however, I've just read about Pyramid, and I really like the sound of it: Its documentation reads well, it seems to scale easily from small-to-large projects, it boasts great performance, and it's developers seem quite onto-it. All good things. It also seems quite flexible, which suits my needs well. However, I'm worried about Pyramid's user-base.
For instance, on stackoverflow, the "pyramid" tag has seen 6 questions this week, whereas the "django" tag has seen 247. I know that Pyramid developers are committed to answering any questions developer's have, however, that doesn't completely put my mind at ease. I'm just not sure if I'll be running risks by choosing a framework which has such a drastically smaller community. My fears are this:
- Not much "user" documentation
- With Django, you can google how to do pretty much anything you want and you'll end up with a tutorial on somebody's blog somewhere in the world.
- My fear is that even though the Pyramid documentation seems quite comprehensive, the moment you end up in territory not covered by the documentation, you're kind of on your own (until you submit a question and receive a response, which seems like a much more lengthy process than just reading a blog).
- What if it disappears?
- Django isn't going anywhere. I don't know enough about Pyramid to make the same assumption. What if I spend a year developing and maintaining this application, only to find out that in the meantime Pyramid support has died out, merged into a different project, etc.?
- Hiring future developers for my app - most likely they will know Django, not Pyramid.
- Maybe this won't be a huge issue if Pyramid has a relatively small learning curve for people who already know Django?
- There might be other serious draw-backs that I'm not aware of for using a framework with such a young community.
Anyway, I'd love if an experienced developer could give me some feedback about all of this. How much of a risk would I be taking by choosing Pyramid over Django? and more generally, by choosing a newer technology over an older one?
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