是否有 Delphi 运行时的翻译记忆库/存储库/术语表?

发布于 2024-12-04 07:28:23 字数 175 浏览 0 评论 0 原文

我需要准备 Delphi 2007 应用程序进行本地化。现在,大约80%需要翻译的内容实际上是Delphi运行时库。我无法想象这些东西需要由每个本地化他/她的软件的开发人员一遍又一遍地重新翻译。

因此,我正在寻找哪里可以免费或付费获得 Delphi 2007 运行时的“翻译记忆库”/“词汇表”。我对繁体中文特别感兴趣。

I need to prepare Delphi 2007 application for localization. Now, about 80% of what needs to be translated is actually Delphi run-time library. I cannot imagine this stuff needs to be re-translated over and over again, by each developer who localizes his/hers software.

So, I'm looking where I can get "translation memory" / "glossary" for Delphi 2007 run-time, either free or for money. I'm particularly interested in Traditional Chinese.

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吾性傲以野 2024-12-11 07:28:23

用于 Delphi 和 C++ Builder 的 GNU Gettext

该工具能够将 exe 中定义的所有 resourcestring 即时翻译为任何语言。因此,它能够将 Delphi RTL 使用的resourcestring 翻译成任何语言。

AFAIK 有几种预制翻译可用,适用于多种语言(比官方法语/德语/日语/英语版本)。

更新:我使用了 GetText 的一些想法 我们的 mORMot 框架的 i18n 功能,用于 UI 部分。这将使用纯文本文件进行翻译,而不是 .po 或其他专有系统,并且更特定于 Delphi(例如解析 dfm 内容)。这是专用于我们的框架的(例如,它使用其 RTTI 类),但如果您想编写自己的单元,与 GetText 或 Delphi IDE 相比,它可能是一个好的开始,并具有一些增强功能。

Take a look at the
GNU Gettext for Delphi and C++ Builder

This tool is able to translate all resourcestring defined in the exe into any language, on the fly. It is therefore able to translate the resourcestring used by the Delphi RTL, into any language.

AFAIK there are several pre-made translations available, for several languages (more than the official French / German / Japanese / English versions).

Update: I used some ideas of GetText for the i18n features of our mORMot framework, for the UI part. This will use plain text files for translation, instead of .po or other proprietary systems, and is more Delphi specific (e.g. dfm content are parsed). This is dedicated to our framework (e.g. it uses its RTTI classes), but it may be a good start if you want to write your own unit, with some enhancements compared to GetText or the Delphi IDE.

左秋 2024-12-11 07:28:23

Delphi 本身没有翻译成中文......但我同意,一些公司/翻译人员肯定已经这样做了。

有关信息,在 Delphi 现有语言(法语、德语和日语)中,源子文件夹中有带有翻译的特定文件,例如: ...\RAD Studio\8.0\source\vcl\fr, ...\RAD Studio\9.0\source\rtl\common\de, ...

例如,法语 Vcl.Consts.pas 的开头:

{                                                       }
{            Delphi Visual Component Library            }
{                                                       }
{ Copyright(c) 1995-2011 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. }
{                                                       }

unit Vcl.Consts;


  SOpenFileTitle = 'Ouvrir';
  SCantWriteResourceStreamError = 'Impossible d'#39'écrire dans un flux en lecture seule';
  SDuplicateReference = 'WriteObject appelé deux fois pour la même instance';
  SClassMismatch = 'La ressource %s est d'#39'une classe incorrecte';
  SInvalidTabIndex = 'Index d'#39'onglet hors limites';
  SInvalidTabPosition = 'Position d'#39'onglet incompatible avec le style d'#39'onglet en cours';
  SInvalidTabStyle = 'Style d'#39'onglet incompatible avec la position d'#39'onglet en cours';
  SInvalidBitmap = 'Image de bitmap non valide';
  SInvalidIcon = 'Image d'#39'icône non valide';
  SInvalidMetafile = 'MetaFichier incorrect';
  SInvalidPixelFormat = 'Format de pixel non valide';
  SInvalidImage = 'Image non valide';
  SBitmapEmpty = 'Bitmap vide';

Delphi itself is not translated in Chinese... but I agree, some companies/translaters have certainly already did it.

For information, within the Delphi existing languages (French, German & Japanese), there are specific files with translations in sources subfolders, for example: ...\RAD Studio\8.0\source\vcl\fr, ...\RAD Studio\9.0\source\rtl\common\de, ...

For instance, the begin of the French Vcl.Consts.pas:

{                                                       }
{            Delphi Visual Component Library            }
{                                                       }
{ Copyright(c) 1995-2011 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. }
{                                                       }

unit Vcl.Consts;


  SOpenFileTitle = 'Ouvrir';
  SCantWriteResourceStreamError = 'Impossible d'#39'écrire dans un flux en lecture seule';
  SDuplicateReference = 'WriteObject appelé deux fois pour la même instance';
  SClassMismatch = 'La ressource %s est d'#39'une classe incorrecte';
  SInvalidTabIndex = 'Index d'#39'onglet hors limites';
  SInvalidTabPosition = 'Position d'#39'onglet incompatible avec le style d'#39'onglet en cours';
  SInvalidTabStyle = 'Style d'#39'onglet incompatible avec la position d'#39'onglet en cours';
  SInvalidBitmap = 'Image de bitmap non valide';
  SInvalidIcon = 'Image d'#39'icône non valide';
  SInvalidMetafile = 'MetaFichier incorrect';
  SInvalidPixelFormat = 'Format de pixel non valide';
  SInvalidImage = 'Image non valide';
  SBitmapEmpty = 'Bitmap vide';
禾厶谷欠 2024-12-11 07:28:23

A long time ago, IIRC it was Delphi 5, Borland released a translation repository file for its own localization tool supporting some languages (but not Chinese, though). It still works and can be used as a base for adding more translations, it was a good idea, but as many good ideas in Delphi it was quickly forgotten. IMHO I would not waste time in delivering localized IDE versions, I'd use those resources to deliver a "translation repository" for the RTL/VCL, which would be much more useful.

眼波传意 2024-12-11 07:28:23

据我所知,这不存在......无论是付费还是免费。您只有法语/德语/日语版本的 vcl.consts 单元。对于您需要翻译的所有内容,您都需要自己完成。

From my knowledge this DOES NOT exist...either payed of free. You have only the French/German/Japanese versions of the vcl.consts unit. For everything you need to be translated you need to do it by yourself.

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