我正在尝试重新创建此 博客文章使用 OBIEE 11g。
Go URL 参数的精确语法是什么?
或者,是否有一种方法可以导航到另一个报告并使用 OBIEE 11g 传递参数,而无需跳过此 URL 方法的麻烦?使用 10g 可以更轻松地完成此任务。
I'm trying to recreate the work in this blog post using OBIEE 11g.
What is the precise syntax for the Go URL parameters?
Alternatively, is there a way to navigate to another report and pass parameters using OBIEE 11g without jumping through the hoops of this URL method? This task was much easier to accomplish using 10g.
它要简单得多。只需移至请求的条件并单击您要导航的所需列即可。在请求的列属性中,有一个名为 INTERACTION 的选项,在该选项中您将找到“添加操作链接”-> BI 内容,然后只需选择所需的请求或所需的仪表板页面。它将在其上导航。
it is much more simple. Just move to the criteria of the request and click required column by which you want to navigate. In the column properties of the request there is option naming INTERACTION in that option you will find "Add action link"-> BI content and then just select required request or the required dashboard page. it will navigate on it.
以下是详细步骤,取自此 教程。
单击“D4 公司”列的“更多选项”按钮,然后选择“列属性”。
在“新建操作链接”对话框中,单击“创建新操作”按钮并选择“导航到 BI 内容”。 是一个内联操作,因为它是作为保存它的分析的一部分创建的。稍后,您将构建和使用命名操作,这些操作将保存在演示目录中以供重用。
在“选择要操作的 BI 内容”对话框中,导航到“共享文件夹/2”。功能示例/演示,选择“订单详细信息”分析,然后单击“确定”。
I second the approach recommending the Action Links Framework to navigate to another Analysis in Answers and to pass the payload. This one picture says it all.
Here are the detailed steps, taken from this tutorial.
Add an Action Link to the Analysis
Click the Criteria tab.
Click More Options button for the D4 Company column and select Column Properties.
In the Column Properties dialog box, click the Interaction tab, then click the drop-down list in the Value section to view the available interaction settings. In the Interaction tab, you can specify interactions for column headings and values. The default interaction is to drill in any associated hierarchy. Other options are to send Master-Detail events, which allow user actions in a column in a Master analysis to reflect in child analyses, and to initiate an action using Action links.
Select Action Links from the drop-down list. In the Action Links list, you can view, add, edit, and delete actions associated with the column. Notice that you can have multiple action links associated with a column. By default, actions available for a column appear in a popup when a user clicks the column value or heading in an analysis. You can use the "Do not display in a popup if only one action is available at runtime" option to reset this so that in the event only one action is available for a value or heading, the action is executed upon the user interaction. Leave this option unchecked.
Click the Add Action Link button.
In the New Action Link dialog box, click the Create New Action button and select Navigate to BI Content. This new action is an inline action, in that it is created as part of the analysis it is saved in. Later, you will build and use named actions, which are saved in the Presentation catalog for reuse.
In the Select BI Content for Action dialog box, navigate to Shared Folders/2. Functional Examples/Demo, select the Order Details analysis, and click OK.
In the Create New Action dialog box, click OK.
In the New Action dialog box, click OK, then click OK to close the Column Properties dialog box..
您没有说您是否已阅读此处的文档: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14571_01/bi.1111/e16364/apiwebintegrate.htm#i1005050
如果失败,您可以尝试提出服务请求 (SR)与 Oracle 联系并提出问题,网址为 http://supporthtml.oracle.com
You don't say if you've gone through the documentation, here: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14571_01/bi.1111/e16364/apiwebintegrate.htm#i1005050
Failing that, you could try raising a Service Request (SR) with Oracle and asking the question, at http://supporthtml.oracle.com