当我在 MacVim 中编写 html 时,我会在 Web 浏览器中保持同一文件打开,以便可以检查 html 输出。我不喜欢这种方法的一件事是我经常需要离开 vim,转到浏览器,然后重新加载 html 才能看到更新。 vim 是否有更优雅的解决方案,可以在 vim 中输入时动态更新 html 输出?我记得Textmate好像可以做到这一点?谢谢。
When I write html in MacVim I keep the same file open in a web browser so that I can examine the html output. One of the things I dislike about this method is that I constantly have to leave vim, go to the browser, and reload the html to see the updates. Is there a more elegant solution with vim that will dynamically update html ouput as it is typed in vim? I seem to recall that Textmate could do this? Thanks.
I found the video I was trying to remember. You can find it here:
将其添加到您的 .vimrc 中:
该函数调用一点 AppleScript 来再次设置最前面选项卡的 URL,
从而令人耳目一新。这将在 Safari 和 WebKit 下工作,但我不能
文件并使用它来刷新浏览器而无需离开 Vim。同样,使用
WebKit 本身。使用 Chrome、Firefox 或任何其他名称(带有各自的
还可以查看自动命令(检查 :h autocmd.txt)。这会让你
每次为 .html 文件编写缓冲区时,都会调用
Add this to your .vimrc:
This will create a map, a command and a function. I could have joined them, but
this way it it's more clear and I can reuse the function in other places.
The function calls a little AppleScript to set the URL of frontmost tab again,
thus refreshing it. This will work under Safari and WebKit, but I can't
guarantee that it works with other browsers. If not, google "refresh {browser}
applescript" and use a different script.
The map just calls the command, which calls the function. So you can write your
file and use it to refresh the browser without leaving Vim. Equally, use
to do the same.Note that you may want to change some things:
, use whatever you feel comfortable with.functions
of WebKit itself. Use Chrome, Firefox, or any other name (with the respective
A quick note: the extra
options passed to the program are just for the sakeof readability. Do it in the fashion you want.
Take a look also in auto-commands (check :h autocmd.txt). This will let you
do it in a more automatized way like:
This will call
every time you write a buffer for .html files. Thereare also events for inserted text and so on.
我喜欢用低技术解决高科技问题,所以我实际上使用元标记,但 sidyll 的解决方案似乎很棒。
I've seen a bunch of ways to do that:
or a simple meta tag:
I like lo-tech solutions to hi-tech problems so I actually use the meta tag but sidyll's solution seems excellent.
我使用 (osx) kicker ruby gem 它会在文件更改时自动运行:
或者将其粘贴在 .kick 中文件以更好地控制哪些文件应该触发它和/或更多操作:
I use the (osx) kicker ruby gem which automatically runs on file changes:
Or stick it in a .kick file for more control over which files should trigger it and/or more actions: