允许使用 selected.js 多重选择添加新值
我正在使用 selected.js 插件 http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/ 与jQuery 允许用户从一个选择中选择多个选项。然而,我现在希望能够让他们创建尚未存在的值 - 知道如何解决这个问题吗?
代码: HTML:
<p>Select something</p>
<select name="theSelect[]" multiple="multiple">
<option value="First Option">First Option</option>
<option value="Second Option">Second Option</option>
I'm using the chosen.js plugin http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/ with jQuery to allow the user to select multiple options from a select. However, I now want to be able to let them create values that aren't already present - any idea how to go about this?
EDIT: something similar to SO's own tag selection/creation bar would be close to what I'm after
Preferably without changing or editing the plugin, but will do if required.
The code:
<p>Select something</p>
<select name="theSelect[]" multiple="multiple">
<option value="First Option">First Option</option>
<option value="Second Option">Second Option</option>
So if a user were to type in "Third Option", i'd like to add that to the list and have it selected. The value and display name are / will be the same so that's not a concern
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正如 Tony 在下面的评论中所述:
“从版本 1.0 开始,触发器现在“选择:更新”。请参阅 harvesthq.github.io/chosen/#change-update-events"
According to the documentation you can try doing something like this:
As Tony stated in the comments below:
"Starting with version 1.0 which the trigger is now "chosen:updated". See harvesthq.github.io/chosen/#change-update-events"
您可以在此处查看 Koenpunt 的分叉:https://github.com/koenpunt/chosen
I stumbled upon this looking for the same ideas.
Seems like its a pretty popular feature request, and a couple of forks have implemented it. Looks like it'll be merged into the master branch soon enough.
+1 for this particular pull which worked a charm:
You can view Koenpunt's fork here: https://github.com/koenpunt/chosen
Here's a simple way that I did it:
我只是想解决同样的问题。我最终对源代码进行了一些修改。这是新的 keyup_checker 函数。看一下案例13:
I was just trying to solve the same problem. I wound up modifying the source code a bit. Here's the new keyup_checker function. Take a look at case 13:
我正在搜索即时添加部分,发现 https://select2.org/tagging提供与选择相同的东西+其他东西,例如“标记”。
I know this not the answer, but an alternate solution.
I was searching for the on-the-fly adding part and found that https://select2.org/tagging provides the same thing as chosen + other stuffs like "Tagging".
You could just attach an event to the input text box to listen for a particular character code. After that add the option and trigger the update on the dropdown.
对 leogdion 答案的更新,适用于选择的更高版本:
An update to leogdion's answer which works with later versions of chosen:
我再次更新了 3nochroot 的代码。现在我只有一个选择器来查找多选输入。
I have updated the code from 3nochroot once more. Now I have only one selector to find the multiselect input.
更新多项选择的 leogdion 答案 (gist)
Rails 上的示例用法 (slim)
Update of leogdion answer for multiple select (gist)
Example usage on rails (slim)
我尝试了这里和其他地方给出的几种解决方案,但是没有一个在 selected.js 1.8.5 (jQuery: 3.3.1) 中工作,所以我最终得到了以下结果,因为我不想使用可能并不总是启动的分叉- 到 master 分支的最新情况:
。我在此类上设置了一个事件处理程序,其中 CTRL + I 添加新值(如果尚不存在)。之后输入字段的焦点不会丢失。在我的示例中,我检查了 innerHTML,因为 @value 实际上包含数据库 ID,因此新值(在我的示例中是一个字符串,稍后将由服务器处理)永远无法在 @value 中找到。如果您想检查@value,请参阅代码片段内的评论。该代码处理单选和多选。
另一种解决方案是调用可触发函数 chosen:no_results 如果只有在明确没有结果时才应添加新值:
I tried several solutions given here and elsewhere, however none worked in chosen.js 1.8.5 (jQuery: 3.3.1) and so I ended up with the following since I didn't want to use a fork that might not always be up-to-date to the master branch:
For the case that I might not want any
to allow new values, I added a new class.chosen-newValuesAllowed
. I set an event handler on this class where CTRL + I adds the new value if it is not yet present. The focus on the input field does not get lost afterwards. In my example, I check the innerHTML of the since @value actually contains database ids and therefore the new value, which is a string in my example that would be processed by the server later, could never be found in @value. If you want to check @value, please see the comment inside the snippet.The code handles single and multiple selects.
Another solution would be to call the triggerable function chosen:no_results if new values should only be added if there explicitly is no result: