如果您的团队少于 10-20 名非常熟练的 NT 内核开发人员/测试人员,那么这个想法甚至还没有开始实用。您的场景是什么以及您想要在高水平上实现什么目标?
I can tell you for a fact that this is not possible - if you do this to the primary volume the machine will bluescreen because of a watchdog timer, even for a short time. If you disconnect the drive, it will immediately bluescreen. If you do this to a secondary volume, it will be surprise removed.
If you have less than a team of 10-20 very skilled NT kernel developers / testers, this idea is not even beginning to be practical. What is your scenario and what you're trying to accomplish at a high level?
我可以告诉你一个事实,这是不可能的 - 如果你对主卷执行此操作,机器将由于看门狗计时器而蓝屏,即使是很短的时间。如果断开驱动器,它将立即蓝屏。如果您对辅助卷执行此操作,它将被意外地删除。
如果您的团队少于 10-20 名非常熟练的 NT 内核开发人员/测试人员,那么这个想法甚至还没有开始实用。您的场景是什么以及您想要在高水平上实现什么目标?
I can tell you for a fact that this is not possible - if you do this to the primary volume the machine will bluescreen because of a watchdog timer, even for a short time. If you disconnect the drive, it will immediately bluescreen. If you do this to a secondary volume, it will be surprise removed.
If you have less than a team of 10-20 very skilled NT kernel developers / testers, this idea is not even beginning to be practical. What is your scenario and what you're trying to accomplish at a high level?