如何使用 flex 4 构建基于控制台和无窗口的 AIR 应用程序
我使用 Flex4 创建了 AIR 应用程序。它有一个窗口,什么也没有显示。如果我安装 AIR 应用程序并运行它,则不应显示任何应用程序 UI 窗口。这意味着我需要构建一个无窗口的 AIR 应用程序。这是必需的,因为我需要在基于控制台的 UNIX 服务器中运行此应用程序。 UNIX 服务器抛出错误“Gtk-WARNING **:无法打开显示。”当该应用程序尝试执行时。请帮我解决这个问题。
I created and AIR application using Flex4. It has a window showing nothing. If I install my AIR application and run it, no application UI window should be displayed. that means I need to build a window less AIR application. It is required because, I need to run this application in console based UNIX server. UNIX server is throwing an error "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display." when this application is trying to be executed. Please help me out to solve this issue.
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您无法在 AIR 端解决此问题。 AIR 设计为与 Windows 一起运行。开发人员报告使用 Xvfb 虚拟帧缓冲区取得了成功:http://groups.google.com/group/fluint-discussions/browse_thread/thread/b4be801162a00dfc?pli=1
You can't solve this on the AIR side. AIR is designed to run with windows. Developers have reported success using Xvfb virtual framebuffer: http://groups.google.com/group/fluint-discussions/browse_thread/thread/b4be801162a00dfc?pli=1