我即将创建一个小型应用程序,它将负责以不同的时间间隔向不同的用户发送各种报告。我们可能正在谈论向不同的人发送 50 或 100 份不同的报告。有些报告需要每天生成,有些需要每周生成,有些则需要每月生成。
我之前一直使用 Quartz 库来定期运行任务。然而,为了让事情变得简单,我喜欢用一个 Quartz 线程来处理所有报告。也就是说,线程应该循环遍历所有报告(例如每 15 分钟一次),并确定是否需要生成和发送一个或多个报告。报告生成时间为 12:00 还是 12:15 并不重要。
I'm about to create a small application which will be responsible for sending out various reports to various users at various intevals. We might be talking about 50 or 100 different reports going to different people. Some reports needs to be generated every day, some every week, and some every month.
I've been using the Quartz library earlier to run tasks at regular intervals. However, in order to keep things simple I like the thought of having a single Quartz thread taking care of all reports. That is, the thread should loop through all reports, say every 15 minutes, and determine wether it is time for one or more to be generated and sent. It does not matter if a report is generated at 12:00 or 12:15.
I'm thinking about wether it would be possible, somehow, for each report to set up specific times such as "mon@12:00,wed@12:00" or "fri@09:30". Then, based on that, the thread would determine if it was time to send a report or not.
My question is; has anyone else done something like this and does any libraries exist which can make it easy to implement this task?
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why not simply register a separate quartz task instance for each report and let Quartz handle all the scheduling for you? That is after all the point behind it.
您可以仅创建单个线程,它会在某个时间间隔对“作业计划数据结构”执行 ping 操作,以查看是否需要运行报告。如果是,它将运行该报告,否则,它将进行短暂的小睡,并在指定的睡眠时间后再次执行 ping 操作。
you can create just single thread and it would ping a "job schedule data structure" at some time interval to see if it needs to run a report. If yes, it would run the report, otherwise, it would go for a short nap and ping again after specified sleep time.
It will cause problem if one job takes too much time to complete and you start accumulating jobs.
The job schedule data structure would keep its record sorted by time stamp.