无法在 iTunes Connect 中创建测试用户:createPodRedirectResponse() 失败
我想在 iTunes Connect 中为应用内购买服务创建一个新的测试用户,但它总是返回:
createPodRedirectResponse() 失败。造成这种情况的可能原因是负载均衡器配置丢失或无效。该请求已被重定向到同一分区实例 (40)。
我总是创建新的 Gmail 帐户以获得唯一的 ID(唯一的电子邮件地址)。 当我填写表格并单击“保存”时,它给了我上面写的错误。 当我再次单击“保存”时,它说我应该使用其他 ID。看来,Apple 的 iTunes 测试用户服务存储了我的数据。我还收到一封验证电子邮件,但当我验证帐户时(单击电子邮件中的“立即验证>”并在网页中输入我的帐户数据),它不会出现在“测试用户帐户”列表中。当我使用该帐户时,出现错误,提示该用户不是有效的测试用户。
请帮忙! 布尼克
I'd like to create a new Test User for an In-App Purchase service in iTunes Connect, but it always returns:
createPodRedirectResponse() failed. The likely cause of this is a missing or invalid load-balancer configuration. This request has already been redirected to the same partition instance (40).
I looked up on the internet (and in here), but didn't find out, what was wrong.
I always created new gmail accounts to have a unique id (unique email adress).
When I filled out the form and when I clicked "Save", it gives me the error written above.
When I clicked "Save" again, it sayed, that I should use an other id. So it seems, that Apples iTunes Test User service stores my data. I also get a verify email, but when I verify the account (clicking "Verify now>" in the email and entering my account data in the webpage), it doesn appear in the Test User Account list. When i use the Account, I get an error, saying that the user is not a valid test user.
Is this error temporarely or does it have to do something with my account?
Please help!
Br Nic
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我已经有同样的问题好几天了。我正在等待Apple的人员修复它。有关详细信息,请查看 Apple 开发者论坛(应用内购买部分)。
I have been having the same problem for several days. I'm waiting for Apple's guys to fix it. Check Apple's developer forum (in-app purchase section) for details.
我刚刚完成了一项。我一直按“保存”,并将电子邮件地址替换为新的假电子邮件地址,并在 @ 符号前面加 1。 (您不需要测试账户的真实地址)。
I just got one to through. I kept pressing "save" and replacing the email address with a new fake email address incremented by 1 in front of the @ sign. (you don't need a real address for test accoutns).
不知何故,我在 Chrome 中总是遇到同样的问题,但在 Safari 中却没有。在那里它对我来说效果很好。
Somehow I had the same issue always in Chrome, but not in Safari. There it worked fine for me.
丹尼尔的解决方案对我有用。它可以在 Safari 中使用,但是您需要通过转至 Safari > 来“重置”浏览器。重置 Safari...每次您需要创建新的测试用户。
Daniel's solution worked for me. It works in Safari, however you will need to "reset" the browser by going to Safari > Reset Safari... EVERYTIME you need to create a new Test User.