我可以使用不同的应用程序 ID 但相同的捆绑 ID 来更新 Appstore 上的应用程序吗?
我目前的情况是我的客户已经在应用程序商店中有一个应用程序,他希望更新该应用程序以便可以进行应用内购买。 问题在于原始应用程序是使用带有通配符的应用程序 ID 创建的。 由于通配符 App-ID 不能与 IAP 和推送通知一起使用,因此我需要创建一个新的 App-ID。
My current situation is my client already has an app on the appstore that he wishes to update so that it can have In-App Purchasing.
The problem is that the original app was created using an App-ID with a wildcard.
Since wildcard App-IDs cannot be used with IAP and Push Notification, I'll need to create a new App-ID.
Am I able to make a new App-ID (without the wildcard suffix) and use the same bundle-ID (By deleting the previous App-ID to free up the bundleID) to update the App?
Are there any repercussions doing this?
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我现在正在研究类似的主题,如果我理解正确,你想做的事情是可能的。查看此页面以获取 Apple 的操作方法: http://developer .apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1680/_index.html
I'm researching a similar topic right now and, if I'm understanding correctly, what you want to do is possible. Check this page for a how-to from Apple: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1680/_index.html