What is the type of "I like Comp Sci!"? I'm pretty sure its either a string or a literal, can anyone point out the difference between the two and help me find the answer
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“I like Comp Sci”
,那么它就是一个字符串文字。A string is a sequence of characters. A literal is data that's typed in as part of the program. If you have
"I like Comp Sci"
typed into your program, then it's a string literal.在大多数语言中,它既被视为字符串又被视为文字。字符串是组成一段文本的字符的集合。文字是直接输入到源代码中的无条件常量。它们并不相互排斥。
In most languages, it would be considered both a string and a literal. A string is a collection of characters that make up a section of text. A literal is an unconditional constant which is directly entered into your source code. They are not mutually exclusive.
在示例中,String 是类型,myString 是变量或引用名称,引号中的文本是一个文字字符串。
A string is a data type, but a string literal is when a string is defined literally usually in quotes:
In the example String is the type, myString is a variable or reference name, and the text in quotes is a literal string.