将 PDF 作为 XFDF 提交到服务器。究竟是什么通过了?
好吧,我按照本教程将 PDF 提交到 HTML,但这似乎是一种倒退的方法。
http://koivi.com/fill-pdf-form-fields/tutorial。 php
我想以 XML 形式提交数据,这样我就可以轻松地将其映射到模型。
Adobe 文档可能是我见过的最糟糕的。我遵循了提交按钮文档,但这并没有告诉我任何信息。到底传递给服务器的是什么?
我要查找什么 POST 参数?什么名字?它看起来像什么。这些问题看起来很基本,但我在任何地方都没有看到它。谢谢。
Ok so I followed this tutorial to get the PDF submitting to HTML but it seems like a backwards way to do it.
I would like to submit the data as XML so I can then easily map it to a model.
The Adobe documentation is probably the worse I've ever seen. I followed the submit button documentation but that doesn't tell me anything. What exactly is getting passed to the server?
What POST parameter am I looking for? What name? What does it look like. These questions seem basic but I don't see it anywhere. Thanks.
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XFDF 格式如下所述: http://partners.adobe.com /public/developer/en/xml/xfdf_2.0.pdf
POST 请求的正文包含 XFDF 数据。
XFDF format is described here: http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/xml/xfdf_2.0.pdf
The body of the POST request contains the XFDF data.