使用 Django Piston 出现管道损坏错误
我已经实现了一个简单的 POST 处理程序,用于使用 Django Piston 上传文件。我正在使用manage.py runserver 进行测试。当我的处理程序抛出异常时,我在控制台中收到错误:“[Errno 32] 管道损坏”。回溯位于 Python 套接字服务器代码的某个地方。显然,异常导致管道损坏,这就是控制台中显示的错误。
I've implemented a simple POST handler for uploading a file using Django Piston. I'm testing with manage.py runserver. When my handler throws an exception, I get an error in the console: "[Errno 32] Broken pipe". The traceback is somewhere is the Python socket server code. Obviously the exception is causing the pipe to be broken and that is the error that shows up in the console.
Is there an easy way to get the actual exception and traceback in my handler to be logged? Otherwise hunting down the problem is really difficult.
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我自己想出了这个办法。这是我的错误,因为我使用“curl -f”来发出请求,所以curl不会读取服务器的响应,而是切断管道并向shell返回错误。
I figured this one out myself. It was my mistake since I was using "curl -f" to make my request, so curl doesn't read the response from the server but cuts the pipe instead and returns an error to the shell.
Could happen to someone else though so I renamed the question to make it clearer what was going on.