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Closed 8 years ago.
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据我所知,没有一个。但您始终可以使用 Notepad++ 的用户定义语言框架创建自己的语言框架。请参阅此和该 了解更多详细信息。
None that I know of. But you can always create your own using Notepad++'s User Defined Language framework. See this and that for more details.
有一个 Vim 的突出显示文件。至少,您可以在那里查找关键字列表。
There is a highlighting file for Vim. At the very least, you can look up a list of keywords there.
这里是: https://github.com/Naios/notepad_llvm
安装:下载然后 Notepad++ > ;定义你自己的语言...>>导入> llvm_ir.xml
Here it is: https://github.com/Naios/notepad_llvm
To install: download and then Notepad++ > Define your own language... > Import > llvm_ir.xml