CPPUnit 中的测试用例选择
是否可以像在 NUnit 中一样选择在 CPPUnit 中运行哪些测试用例?可能正在使用一些配置文件?
Is it possible to select which test cases to run in CPPUnit like it is done in NUnit? May be using some config file?
Thanks, Rakesh.
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如果您正在寻找可以单击以选择测试的 GUI,则可以使用 MFCTestRunner。
如果您想通过配置文件选择要运行的测试,则必须编辑测试主应用程序。 请参阅此答案,它可能会为您提供如何操作的说明。
You can use the MFCTestRunner if you're looking for a GUI where you can click to select tests.
You'll have to edit your test main application if you want to select which test to run via config file. See this answer that might serve you with a description of how to do it.