我可以将 sqllite 与 mySQL 备份文件一起使用吗?
如果我想离线使用 mySQL 数据库,我可以从服务器下载它并在离线时从中选择SELECT
sql_con = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=MySQLDB.sql")
If i wanted to use a mySQL database offline, could i download it from a server and SELECT
from it when i am offline? That way I could use the version on the server when online, and use the local copy when offline.
i want to do something like this:
sql_con = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=MySQLDB.sql")
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如果您想离线使用 MySQL 数据库,那么在您自己的计算机上运行 MySQL 服务器软件的第二个实例会更容易。将服务器数据库复制到您的计算机上,然后,当您想要使用本地副本时,附加到本地 MySQL 实例。
If you want to use your MySQL database offline, it would be much easier for you to run a second instance of the MySQL server software on your own computer. Replicate the server database on your computer and then, when you want to use the local copy, attach to the local MySQL instance.
MySQL 和 SQLite 是两个完全不同的数据库,具有截然不同的文件格式。因此直接重用文件不是一个选择。但是,您可以以 SQLite 友好的格式(例如 CSV 或直接 SQL)从 MySQL 导出数据库,然后将其导入 SQLite。很可能会涉及一些编码。
MySQL and SQLite are two completely different databases with wildly different file formats. So straight file reuse is not an option. You can, however, export the database from MySQL in SQLite-friendly format (like CSV, or straight-out SQL), and import that into SQLite. There will be some coding involved, most likely.