创建命名空间 ->类->嵌套类?或者
假设我拥有一家生产不同类型车辆的工厂。所以,我认为我的命名空间是 Factory
现在,假设这家工厂生产汽车、轮船和飞机。因此,我将使用这些名称将三个类添加到我的 Factory
I was reading about creating classes and nested classes to determine what is the best approach for my needs, but I couldn't find something similar to what I need ( or couldn't understand it ;) ).
I will give you guys a (almost) real-life example:
Let's say I own a factory which manufactures different kinds of vehicles. So, my namespace would be Factory
I figure.
Now, lets say the factory manufactures cars, boats and airplanes. So I will add three classes to my Factory
namespace with those names.
Here is where my problem is with understanding the other methods:
I have some common things between the three types of vehicles. For example, they all have an engine (might be different HP or shapes which I understand are properties of the engine, but still they all have an engine). Also, cars and airplanes have doors (sometimes boats do too). On the other hand, they also have some unique things (airplanes have propellers for example that might come in different sizes or shapes).
Can someone please describe what I said in code so I could understand the differences between them?
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命名空间的第二个目的是提供一种消除名称冲突歧义的机制。也就是说,如果 XYZ Corp 有一个 Vehicle 类型,ABC Inc 有一个 Vehicle 类型,并且 PQR Ltd 希望同时使用 XYZ 和 ABC 的代码,则 PQR 程序员需要一种方法来告诉编译器实际上是哪种类型“Vehicle”指。
您建议将命名空间命名为“Factory”。这可能是个坏主意。工厂可能是一个类,而不是一个命名空间。工厂是一种事物,而不是一种组织事物的方式。我倾向于将我的命名空间命名为“Dementic.Manufacturing”并让它包含一个 Factory 类。现在,事情以两种方式组织:首先,由生产代码的公司 Dementic Incorporated 组织,以及由代码所涉及的内容(即制造)组织。而且您的任何竞争对手不太可能也会创建一个名为 Dementic.Manufacturing 的命名空间。
Your question is a bit vague. Rather than try to answer it, I'll answer two related questions.
The primary purpose of a namespace is to organize type declarations into a hierarchy so that they can be found by users easily.
The secondary purpose of a namespace is to provide a mechanism for disambiguating name collisions. That is, if XYZ Corp has a type Vehicle and ABC Inc has a type Vehicle, and PQR Ltd wants to use code from XYZ and ABC at the same time, the PQR programmers need a way to tell the compiler which type "Vehicle" actually refers to.
You suggest naming your namespace "Factory". That's probably a bad idea. A factory is probably a class, not a namespace. A factory is a kind of thing, not a way of organizing things. I would be inclined to name my namespace "Dementic.Manufacturing" and have it contain a Factory class. Now things are organized in two ways: first, by the company, Dementic Incorporated, that is producing the code, and by what the code is related to, namely, manufacturing. And it is unlikely that any competitor of yours will also make a namespace called Dementic.Manufacturing.
Make a nested type when the nested type is an implementation detail of the outer type. It is generally considered a poor practice to make a public nested type, though it is occasionally done.
A common example is an enumerator class; it is usually a private implementation detail of a enumerable collection.
您可以将所有这些粘贴到您的 Factory 命名空间中。
You could stick all these in your Factory namespace.
A vehicle class would contain shared components, and classes for your specific vehicle types would inherit from the vehicle class... is that what you're asking?
本身上定义太多,但这也意味着您可以不容易在所有类中共享这些成员的定义。但是,这会阻止您在基类型上定义与具体类型不相关的成员。If you want to be as generic as possible, you can approach it something like this:
Then have the specific concrete types provide the relevant collections to the supertype properties.
This is a bit of a hack, but modeling any real-world objects as classes in a programming language is going to break down sooner or later.
Note that I've made the engine property a collection too. This is to support, for example, the
class, which would have two engines.An alternate approach would be to define the vehicles in terms of interfaces, somewhat like this:
This approach has the advantage that you don't have to define much on
itself, but this also means that you can't easily share the definitions of these members across all of the classes. However, this prevents you from defining members on the base type that are not relevant to the concrete types.您对名称空间的概念有误。命名空间与此无关。
You have the wrong concept of what namespaces are. Namespaces have nothing to do with this.
I think you're also confusing inheritance and factories. Again, those are very separate ideas.
First think about creating your class heirarchy with the common base class that provides the basic structure of your objects and then the specialized subclasses that provide the specific details. And be careful not to use inheritance unless it truly works. Don't force your model into an inheritance heirarchy if it doesn't make sense.
Then you can worry about creating one or more factories to create instances of these objects.
As for namespaces, a namespace is just a way to group related pieces of code together in a logical, meaningful way. You might have a factory namespace, but you could just as well have a "factories" namespace or a "vehicles" namespace or something completely different which is relevant to your domain.
最后,根据经验,您可以将继承视为一个有点被高估的概念,因为它是初学者在接触 OO 时首先想到的事情。自然界中重用的主要概念是组合——最终所有自然事物都是由具有非常清晰的接口的小项目组成的。理想情况下,您将尝试以类似的方式编写面向对象应用程序。
Since the person asking the question might actually get some value out of it, here my take:
If your software deals in some ways with objects of the real world, don't try to model the set of classes that represent the core of your application according to the real world. Rather, let the requirements of the software guide as to how your objects will look like.
For example, is this an order management system?
In that case it may be more relevant that certain orderable items have other orderable items directly associated with it. For a boat you can order certain parts, engines, etc. That is, it may more important to express the relationships between orderable items instead of having them available as concrete types.
For example, is it a tool to draw new boats, planes, propellers, etc.? Then a more relevant base class maybe that of a shape. Is it more about calculating the power of an engine or the efficiency of a propeller? Then you may need some concept of mathematical bodies and additional physical relationships and characteristics need to be defined between the different objects.
Lastly, as a rule of thumb you can think of inheritance as a somewhat overrated concept in that it is the first thing that starters think of when touching OO. The predominant concept of reuse in nature is composition - ultimately all natural things are composed of small items with very clear interfaces. Ideally, you will try and compose your OO application in a similar fashion.
我宁愿选择 VehicleFactory 命名空间,将 Factory 作为一个类(有许多设计模式解决创建对象的问题,通常这需要是一个类,或者至少(通常在非客观编程中)函数。命名空间不会为您提供这个。
I would rather go for VehicleFactory namespace, Factory as a class (there are many design patterns addresing the problem of creating objects and usually this needs to be a class, or at least (usually in non-objective programming) function. Namespace won't provide you this.