亲爱的朋友们, 我是 Titan Studio 的新手...我有一些疑问...请帮帮我...
我正在 Windows XP 操作系统上工作,我尝试在 Titan Studio 中启用 iphone 平台,但我无法做到有什么解决方案吗..
我尝试通过安装 sdk、jdk 和 Titan Studio 在 Android 平台上运行该程序...我能够使用网络和桌面应用程序,但对于移动应用程序,当我创建一个应用程序并尝试运行它时,它会抛出一些错误,我无法启动模拟器...请帮助我...
你能解释一下如何安装titaniumstudio,sdk,jdk ....用于android或iphone平台.....
Dear friends,
I am new to titanium studio...i have some doubts..please help me out...
I am working on windows xp os,i tried to get iphone platform enabled in titanium studio but I am not possible to do that is there any solution..
Will I be able to run the program in iphone platform in windows os ....
I have tried doing it for android platform by installing sdk,jdk and titanium studio..I am able to work with web and desktop applications but for mobile applications, when I create one and just try to run it it throws some error, I am not able to launch the emulator...please help me out...
Can u just explain the way howto install titaniumstudio,sdk,jdk....for android or iphone platforrm.....
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1.) Windows 版 Titanium 无法构建 iPhone 应用程序。我使用装有 Titanium Studio 的 Mac 和 Windows 计算机。我在 Mac 上创建 iPhone/Android 友好的项目,并能够在我的 PC 上编辑它们。要在 iPhone 或模拟器中进行测试,我必须从 Mac 运行该项目。 Windows 没有办法做到这一点。
2.) 请参阅 #1
3.) 您必须安装 Android SDK,按照说明正确安装并下载必要的软件包。然后,您必须告诉 Titanium Android SDK 位于以下位置:
4.) 请参阅 Appcelerator“入门”文档。
To answer your questions,
1.) Titanium for Windows is not capable of building an iPhone application. I use both a Mac and a Windows machine with Titanium Studio on it. I create my iPhone/Android friendly projects on the Mac, and am able to edit them on my PC. To test on the iPhone or in the Simulator, I have to run the project from the Mac. Windows has no way of doing this.
2.) Refer to #1
3.) You must install the Android SDK, follow the instructions for installing it properly and downloading the necessary packages. You must then tell Titanium where the Android SDK is located under:
4.) Refer to the Appcelerator 'Getting Started' documentation.
你没有办法在 Windows 机器上运行 iOS。 Windows 版 Titanium 仅适用于 Android。如果您喜欢在 Android 和 iOS 上进行开发。你需要一台 Mac。
对于你的问题 4,钛有一个很好的文档来指导如何开始。
For your question 1,2,3.
You have no method to run a iOS in windows machine. Titanium for windows is andriod only. If you like to develop in both Android and iOS. You need a Mac.
For your question 4, titanium have a good documentation for how to start.
You may refer http://developer.appcelerator.com/get_started