Java 中的简单网络聊天
刚刚对我用 java 编写的一个简单的聊天程序有疑问。 该程序使用 TCP 在服务器/客户端之间来回传输简单的消息字符串。它适用于我网络上的所有计算机。但是当我将它发送给我的一个朋友以查看它是否可以在他的计算机上运行时,却不起作用。所以我的问题是:我是否需要添加一些特定的代码以允许接收来自我的网络外部的其他组件的消息?或者是某种防火墙阻止了这种情况?
just had a question to a simple chat program i wrote in java.
The program uses TCP to transmit simple message strings back and forth from Server/Client. And it works on all the computers on my Network. But when i sent it to a friend of mine to see if it worked from his computer it did not. So my question is: Would i need to add some specific code to allow messages from other comps from outside my network to be recieved? or is it some kind of Firewall that is preventing this?
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或者您的应用程序使用的是内部 IP,而不是来自互联网的 IP(必须转发到您的内部 IP)
Probably a firewall or a router.
Firewall: port is not opened.
Router: message are not forwarded to the machine which hosts your application.
Or your application is using the internal IP and not the IP from the internet (which has to be forwarded to your internal ip)
If you don't specify anything special in the code for computers that's not on the internal network, then it won't handle them differently. It won't handle the connections differently by itself. I'd check your(or his) router and open any ports that you use.