例如,客户已经进行了一笔交易,它必须通过一些检查,这些检查存储在数据库中,需要数据库获取。然后,交易应传递至 OMS/ORS 或交易所。而且,在每一层,都需要在数据库中存储某种交易数据。如何在事务持久性和低延迟之间保持平衡?
Databases are required for almost every business application to store data and the transactions done on that data. The transactions typically take a time of the order of milliseconds. At the same time, in a trading application the one thing which is not at all acceptable is "latency". So, what are the trade-offs made in such applications which require an upper limit on latency?
For example, a trade has been placed by the customer, it must pass a few checks, which are stored in the database, requiring a DB fetch. Then, the trade should be passed on to an OMS/ORS or the exchange. And, at each layer, it would be required to store some sort of transaction data in the database. How should one maintain a balance between transaction persistence and low-latency?
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Two things:
- 尝试减少争用使用免等待算法(这有点困难),无锁算法。您可以找到大量的示例
- 使用内存计算。内存很便宜,内存中可以存储万亿字节的数据。
-使用机械同情-参考lmax Disruptor,优秀的框架
Now a days people use in-memory transaction system, so you cut down network latency that you get by database.
Here are some things that you can consider for low latency
-Try to reduce contention use wait-free algo( which is bit difficult), lock free algo. You can find tons of example for that
-Use in-memory computing. Memory is cheap, you can have tera byte of data in memory.
-Use mechnical sympathy - Refer lmax disruptor, excellent framework