Tk GUI 滚动条
set dataSheetFrame($k) [frame $curPath($k).frame1 -height 420 -relief groove]
#pack $dataSheetFrame($k)
scrollbar $dataSheetFrame($k).vscroll1 -highlightthickness 0 -orient vertical \
-width 15
set viewC1($k) [canvas $dataSheetFrame($k).canvas -height $cHeight1 -width $cWidth1 \
-yscrollcommand "$dataSheetFrame($k).vscroll1 set" \
-scrollregion "0 0 $cWidth1 $cHeight1" -bg black]
grid $dataSheetFrame($k).vscroll1 -in $dataSheetFrame($k) -row 0 -column 0 \
-rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
grid $viewC1($k) -in $dataSheetFrame($k) -row 0 -column 1 \
-rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
grid rowconfigure $dataSheetFrame($k) 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
grid columnconfigure $dataSheetFrame($k) 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
$viewC1($k) create line $cellWidth 0 $cellWidth $cHeight1 -width 3 -fill white
$viewC1($k) create line [expr $cellWidth + $dWidth] 0 \
[expr $cellWidth + $dWidth] $cHeight1 -width 1 -fill white
$viewC1($k) create line [expr $cellWidth + 2 * $dWidth] 0 \
[expr $cellWidth + 2 * $dWidth] $cHeight1 -width 1 -fill white
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $cfgNames]} {incr i} {
set name [lindex $cfgNames $i]
$viewC1($k) create text [expr $cellWidth / 2] \
[expr $offsety + $i * 30 ] -anchor center -width 0 \
-text $name -justify center -fill white
set j 1
foreach process {Slow Typical Fast} {
set y [expr $offsety + $i * 30 ]
if {[info exists tpfValues($name,$process)]} {
$viewC1($k) create text [expr $cellWidth + \
$j * $dWidth - $dWidth / 2] $y \
-anchor center -width 0 -fill white \
-text $tpfValues($name,$process) \
-justify center
$viewC1($k) create line 0 [expr $y + 15] $cWidth1 \
[expr $y + 15] -width 3 -fill white
incr j
set offsetTpf [llength $cfgNames]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $tpfNames]} {incr i} {
set name [lindex $tpfNames $i]
$viewC1($k) create text [expr $cellWidth / 2] \
[expr $offsety + $offsetTpf * 30 ] -anchor center -width 0 \
-text $name -justify center -fill white
set j 1
foreach process {Slow Typical Fast} {
set y [expr $offsety + $offsetTpf * 30 ]
if {[info exists tpfValues($name,$process)]} {
$viewC1($k) create text [expr $cellWidth + \
$j * $dWidth - $dWidth / 2] $y \
-anchor center -width 0 -fill white \
-text $tpfValues($name,$process) \
-justify center
$viewC1($k) create line 0 [expr $y + 15] $cWidth1 \
[expr $y + 15] -width 3 -fill white
incr j
incr offsetTpf
$dataSheetFrame($k).vscroll1 configure -command "$viewC1($k) yview"
pack $dataSheetFrame($k) -side left
I've a problem that the scrollbar being made appears to be in the left, i've tried many combinations so as to move it to the right.
My code looks like this:
set dataSheetFrame($k) [frame $curPath($k).frame1 -height 420 -relief groove]
#pack $dataSheetFrame($k)
scrollbar $dataSheetFrame($k).vscroll1 -highlightthickness 0 -orient vertical \
-width 15
set viewC1($k) [canvas $dataSheetFrame($k).canvas -height $cHeight1 -width $cWidth1 \
-yscrollcommand "$dataSheetFrame($k).vscroll1 set" \
-scrollregion "0 0 $cWidth1 $cHeight1" -bg black]
grid $dataSheetFrame($k).vscroll1 -in $dataSheetFrame($k) -row 0 -column 0 \
-rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
grid $viewC1($k) -in $dataSheetFrame($k) -row 0 -column 1 \
-rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news
grid rowconfigure $dataSheetFrame($k) 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
grid columnconfigure $dataSheetFrame($k) 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0
$viewC1($k) create line $cellWidth 0 $cellWidth $cHeight1 -width 3 -fill white
$viewC1($k) create line [expr $cellWidth + $dWidth] 0 \
[expr $cellWidth + $dWidth] $cHeight1 -width 1 -fill white
$viewC1($k) create line [expr $cellWidth + 2 * $dWidth] 0 \
[expr $cellWidth + 2 * $dWidth] $cHeight1 -width 1 -fill white
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $cfgNames]} {incr i} {
set name [lindex $cfgNames $i]
$viewC1($k) create text [expr $cellWidth / 2] \
[expr $offsety + $i * 30 ] -anchor center -width 0 \
-text $name -justify center -fill white
set j 1
foreach process {Slow Typical Fast} {
set y [expr $offsety + $i * 30 ]
if {[info exists tpfValues($name,$process)]} {
$viewC1($k) create text [expr $cellWidth + \
$j * $dWidth - $dWidth / 2] $y \
-anchor center -width 0 -fill white \
-text $tpfValues($name,$process) \
-justify center
$viewC1($k) create line 0 [expr $y + 15] $cWidth1 \
[expr $y + 15] -width 3 -fill white
incr j
set offsetTpf [llength $cfgNames]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $tpfNames]} {incr i} {
set name [lindex $tpfNames $i]
$viewC1($k) create text [expr $cellWidth / 2] \
[expr $offsety + $offsetTpf * 30 ] -anchor center -width 0 \
-text $name -justify center -fill white
set j 1
foreach process {Slow Typical Fast} {
set y [expr $offsety + $offsetTpf * 30 ]
if {[info exists tpfValues($name,$process)]} {
$viewC1($k) create text [expr $cellWidth + \
$j * $dWidth - $dWidth / 2] $y \
-anchor center -width 0 -fill white \
-text $tpfValues($name,$process) \
-justify center
$viewC1($k) create line 0 [expr $y + 15] $cWidth1 \
[expr $y + 15] -width 3 -fill white
incr j
incr offsetTpf
$dataSheetFrame($k).vscroll1 configure -command "$viewC1($k) yview"
pack $dataSheetFrame($k) -side left
Please help me with this..
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你把它放在第 0 列,所以它当然会出现在左边。您需要将其放在比要放置画布的列大的列号中。
当您刚刚学习如何使用网格几何管理器时,如果您实际绘制GUI 绘制在一张方格纸上。这样做可以清楚地表明每个小部件位于哪一列,以及它们是否需要跨越额外的行或列。
You are putting it in column 0, so of course it will appear on the left. You need to put it in a column number greater than the column that you are placing the canvas in.
When you are just learning how to do use the grid geometry manager, it really helps if you actually draw the GUI out on a piece of graph paper. Doing that makes it crystal clear which column each widget goes in, and whether or not they need to span additional rows or columns.