理想的铁路 +为繁忙的生产服务器设置 tomcat 虚拟主机
我正在将很多网站从 Resin 3 迁移到 Tomcat 7 (centos 4/apache 2.20),并且我正在努力确定哪种类型的配置符合我的要求。特别是:
- proxy_ajp vs mod_jk vs mod_proxy 用于将请求传递到 Tomcat/Railo
- 自动部署新站点
- 将 WEB-INF 放在站点根目录之外(以简化克隆站点)
- 使用 apache itk 和 tomcat,以便每个虚拟主机作为不同的用户和进程
- 运行单个共享railo服务器管理员配置
- 支持不带扩展名的SES URL(即:/path/to/page)
- 需要SSL支持
我已经阅读了很多howtos,但大多数已过时或提供相互矛盾的建议。我希望看到一些运行许多 Railo 虚拟主机并自动或以编程方式部署它们的人的示例。一般来说,我更喜欢效率/速度而不是简单性,因为我想充分利用有限的资源。
I'm migrating a lot of websites from Resin 3 to Tomcat 7 (centos 4/apache 2.20) and I'm struggling to determine what type of configuration matches my requirements. In particular:
- proxy_ajp vs mod_jk vs mod_proxy for passing requests to Tomcat/Railo
- automating deployment of new sites
- putting WEB-INF outside the site roots (to simplify cloning sites)
- using apache itk with tomcat so each vhost runs as a different user and process
- having a single shared railo server administrator config
- support for SES URLs with no extension (ie: /path/to/page)
- SSL support required
I've read a lot of howtos already but most are out of date or provide conflicting advice. I would like to see some examples from people who run many railo vhosts and deploy them automatically or programmatically. In general I'd prefer efficiency/speed over simplicity as I want to get the most out of limited resources.
I could have asked these questions separately but I want to be sure any answers take into account all the above factors (assuming the requirements are actually compatible).
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首先,查看 vivotech 安装程序 - 他们是一家托管公司,因此请使用他们的安装程序作为您的基础,他们是完美的。 (它使用 tomcat)
railo 3.3 使从管理员部署上下文变得更加容易,因此编写脚本应该不会那么困难。
一切都支持 ssl
您可能还想看看如何针对这种情况调整 jvm,然后进行一些负载测试以了解它们如何费用。
向 Sean Corfield、Google Railo 和他的姓名发送电子邮件,您将收到他的电子邮件。
firstly, check out the vivotech installers - they are a hosting company, so use their installers as your base, they are flawless. (it uses tomcat)
railo 3.3 makes it a lot easier to deploy contexts from admin, so scripting this shouldn't be that hard.
everything supports ssl
you might also want to look at how you're going to tune your jvm's for this senario, then do some load testing to see how they fare.
drop an email to sean corfield, google railo and his name and you'll get his email.