绘制传入数据的 FFT(通过 bluetoothchat)
好吧,我遇到的问题是,我正在通过蓝牙聊天在屏幕上显示波形,但我不知道如何绘制它的 FFT ..
任何人都可以告诉我是否可以通过蓝牙绘制传入 UART 的 FFT。 如果是,只需几个步骤即可了解如何操作。
Well the problem I have is that I am getting the waveform to be diplayed via Bluetooth chat on the screen but I have no idea how to also plot its FFT ..
Can anyone just let me know if it is possible to plot FFt of incoming UART via Bluetooth.
and if yes just a few steps how to do it .
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找到一个好的库来对您接收的数据进行 FFT。
看在上帝的份上,当涉及到健康时,不要依赖这个系统。 Android未没有以任何方式进行认证或保证。请将您的应用程序仅用作诊断工具。
You are braver than I. Yes, it is possible.
Find a good library to take the FFT of the data you are receiving.
Use a plotting library. There are many of these, and rolling your own really isn't hard.
For the love of god, do not rely on this system when health is concerned. Android is not certified or guaranteed in any way. Please use your app as a diagnostics tool only.
This answer is pretty vague and tautological, but that's because your question is pretty vague. Are there any specific problems you are running into?