如何创建 Facebook 应用程序以在现有粉丝页面上举办竞赛?
好吧,在我进入应用程序领域之前,我以为我对 Facebook 已经有了很好的了解。我已经有一个粉丝页面,但希望能够与我的粉丝一起举办比赛。我刚刚读到 FB 规则,必须通过应用程序进行比赛。因此,我访问了 Facebook 开发者网站并开始了开发。然而,我很困惑。我是否要创建一个新的粉丝页面,并且必须重新开始获取粉丝,或者我可以将其链接到我当前的粉丝页面,然后从我的粉丝页面上的这个“页面/链接”运行我的比赛吗?
我希望能够从我的粉丝页面举办比赛(根据 FB 规则和规定)。有人可以解释一下这是如何通过应用程序完成的吗?另外,如果您有这些应用程序的示例,请发布,以便我可以查看它们以帮助我理解。
Okay, I thought I had a pretty good understanding of Facebook until I got into the realm of apps. I already have a fan page, but want to be able to run contests with my fans. I just read on the FB rules that you have to run contests through apps. So, I went to the facebook developer site and got one started. However, I'm confused. Am I creating a new fan page and will have to start all over again with acquiring fans or can I just link this to my current fan page someone and run my contests off of this "page/link" on my fan page.
I want to be able to run contests (in accordance with FB rules and regulations) from my fan page. Can someone please explain how this is done through apps. Also, if you have examples of what these apps look like please post so that I can check them out to help my understanding.
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根据指南,您可以创建一个粉丝页面选项卡,它基本上是一个应用程序。这是一个关于创建 iframe 页面选项卡< /a>.您还需要一个公共网络服务器来部署它,并且很快您将需要您的域的 SSL 证书,以便在其 Facebook 帐户上启用 SSL 的人可以浏览它。
According to the guidelines you can just create a fan page tab, which is basically an app. Here is a good tutorial on creating an iframe page tab. You will need a public webserver to deploy this too and soon you will need an SSL certificate for your domain so it can be browsed by people that have enabled SSL on their Facebook account.
您必须在 Iframe 选项卡上创建比赛并将选项卡添加到您的页面。
You have to create your contest on a Iframe Tab and add the Tab to your Page.
Here you can read the guide