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Closed 8 years ago.
或继续使用网站,即表示您同意使用 Cookies 和您的相关数据。
Google 的闭包样式表可以重命名您的类名称。它与 HTML 的 Closure Template 和 JavaScript 的闭包编译器。
Google's Closure Stylesheets can rename your class names. It work in conjunction with Closure Template for the HTML and Closure Compiler for the JavaScript.
我看到 html muncher 在 an回答类似的问题。我还没有尝试过,但它看起来就像您在对杰罗姆的答案的评论中提到的那样简单易用。但它看起来并没有得到积极维护。
[更新]我还发现了一个类似的节点项目 munch.js ,它说它基于html 咀嚼者。
I saw html muncher mentioned in an answer to a similar question. I have not tried it, but it looks to be as simple to use as what you mentioned in your comment on Jerome's answer. It doesn't look to be actively maintained though.
[Update] I also found a similar node project, munch.js, that says it is based on html muncher.