FreeBSD is one cohesive system. Whereas Linux is a kernel plus a bunch of packages, all of FreeBSD core is built together (everything but the ports tree). The FreeBSD Handbook is the best resource to start from for learning FreeBSD. There is also a Developer's handbook that can be found on the FreeBSD website. As for what the kernel is in terms of source files, anything under /usr/src/sys is kernel source code. If you want to know about the workings of the kernel, the book "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System" is the definitive guide to the details of the kernel.
FreeBSD 是一个有凝聚力的系统。 Linux 是一个内核加上一堆软件包,而 FreeBSD 的所有核心都是构建在一起的(除了 ports 树之外的所有内容)。 FreeBSD 手册是开始学习的最佳资源免费的BSD。 FreeBSD 网站上还提供了一份开发人员手册。至于内核在源文件方面是什么,/usr/src/sys 下的任何内容都是内核源代码。如果您想了解内核的工作原理,《FreeBSD 操作系统的设计与实现》一书是有关内核细节的权威指南。
FreeBSD is one cohesive system. Whereas Linux is a kernel plus a bunch of packages, all of FreeBSD core is built together (everything but the ports tree). The FreeBSD Handbook is the best resource to start from for learning FreeBSD. There is also a Developer's handbook that can be found on the FreeBSD website. As for what the kernel is in terms of source files, anything under /usr/src/sys is kernel source code. If you want to know about the workings of the kernel, the book "The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System" is the definitive guide to the details of the kernel.