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我知道您正在寻求一个工具,并且您正在使用 UML 标记您的问题,但也许您会喜欢 Graph::Easy 模块使用 Perl,只是为了获得 XML 的第一个大视图。
这是示例 XML:
I know you're asking for a tool, and you're tagging your question with UML, but perhaps you'll like the Graph::Easy module with Perl, just to get a first big view of your XML.
Here is the sample XML :
Here is the little script :
and the result :
That's just a very simple example, but you can easily go further and add different types of lines, colors, etc. By example :
也许您使用了错误的工具? XML 最适合识别以自上而下的树结构存储的数据。您所描述的结构具有更复杂的关系(父级在某些情况下可能是顶级元素,在其他情况下是低级元素)...关系数据库(例如,基于 SQL)更擅长描述某些关系。
Perhaps you're using the wrong tool? XML is best for identifying data stored as top-down tree structures. The structure your describing has more complex relationships (parents may in some instances be the top level element, in others the low level element)... something that a relational database (for example, SQL based) would be better at describing.