java 项目的动态数据存储以及搜索和映射
我的项目中的主要问题是我们的数据结构很快就不会保持稳定,甚至更多的结构会不时改变,所以基本上休闲关系数据库将在这个级别上失败,因为删除和添加新列是相当危险的。这意味着一些基于 NOSQL 或 XML 甚至基于文件的存储将在那里可用。
所有输入都来自其他资源,可能是 SOAP 回调、JASON 回调、从 CSV 文件导入或手动输入,基于此必须创建实体而不是用数据填充它。
I'm looking for good dynamic data storage mainly based on JAVA, or to have ability to be really easy used by JAVA.
Main problem in my project is in fast that our data structures will not remain stable, even more structures will be changed from time to time, so basically casual Relation Data Base will lost fight on that level, because drop and add new columns are pretty risky. Which means that some NOSQL or XML based or even file based storage will be usable there.
All inputs are coming from other resource which could be a SOAP callback, JASON call back, import from CSV file or manual input, based on that have to create entities and than to fill it with data.
Last thing on which I have to keep eye on is to bring unstructured, semi-structured and differently structured data in a unified form. Beside of this would be nice to have ability of maintenance of huge amount of data in accepted time duration.
Any ideas?
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