将一个元素粘贴到 iPhone 键盘上(JS、CSS?)
我正在使用 jQuery Mobile 开发一个网络应用程序。我想做的一件事是显示某些输入字段的一些自动完成建议。我希望带有这些建议的块看起来就像扩展了屏幕键盘一样,恰好位于其顶部边缘,并在我滚动页面时保持在那里。
我看到一些本机应用程序正在做类似的事情。有没有办法只用 jQuery/JS 和 CSS 来实现这一点?
I'm developing a webapp using jQuery Mobile. One thing I want to do is to display some auto-complete suggestions for certain input fields. I want the block with those suggestions to appear as if it extends the onscreen keyboard, resting exactly on its top edge and staying there when I scroll the page.
A quick and dirty illustraion:
I see similar sort of things being done in some native apps. Is there a way to achieve this with just jQuery/JS and CSS?
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请阅读此处:http://developer.apple.com /library/safari/#codinghowtos/Mobile/UserExperience/index.html
I dont think this will be possible.
The keyboard is a system entity that belongs to the browser.
You can manipulate the way it is displayed slightly... tailored for email, URL, numeric or phone number.
Have a read here: http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#codinghowtos/Mobile/UserExperience/index.html
我相信这只有作为本机应用程序才有可能,除非您找到一种方法(可能使用 JavaScript)让您的自动完成建议从查看窗口顶部“浮动”一定高度。
例如,如果您以像素为单位测量屏幕,请将自动完成“栏”从 iPhone 状态栏顶部浮动 x 像素数。棘手,但有可能
I believe this is only possible as a native app UNLESS you figure out a way (probably with JavaScript) to have your auto-complete suggestions "float" a certain height from the top of the viewing window.
For example, if you measure the screen in pixels, float your auto-complete "bar" x-number of pixels from the top of the iPhone's status bar. Tricky, but possible